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oasis-charter-discuss message

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Subject: Re: [oasis-charter-discuss] Re: Proposed Charter for OASIS SET TC

I agree with the statement  "SET Process and Semantic Model" would be
easily applicable to legacy formants, EDI or Inhouse ..
However, I believe a semantic domain scoped by UBL / CCTS is an excellent and pragmatic goal for the first version of a SET.
highest regards
On 5/13/08, Eckenfels. Bernd <B.Eckenfels@seeburger.de> wrote:

I want to comment on the Scope of the SET TC Charter in regards to the
close/strict relationship with Core Components. I think the major semantic
modelling work and a framework to describe that is quite independend from
the actual data representation. A "SET Process and Semantic Model" would be
easyly applicable to legacy formants, EDI or Inhouse.

I therefore would propose to add this as a secondaryx goal, or to weaken the
focus, to allow the TC to determine if they only want to support CCs or not.
 For this purpose, first a UBL "Component
Ontology" will be developed.

In the later phases, this ontology will be expanded to cover other document
standards based on CCTS.
The Component Ontology serves two major purposes:

.       Representing the semantics of components: Document customization
place at the level of individual types and elements; hence, translation
needs to be done at the same level. When an automated process compares two
versions of a schema, it needs to be able to identify corresponding elements
in these schemas.
When document elements are represented as classes of a common component
ontology, it becomes possible to utilize that ontology for the computation
of similarities between elements from different schemas.

.       Representing the structure of document schemas: Core component based
document schemas are complex hierarchies including numerous types and
elements any of which might be modified through customization.
Carl Mattocks

Chair OASIS Business Centric Methodology TC
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