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Subject: My pre-meeting comments, with some post-meeting notes

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William Cox
Email: wtcox@CoxSoftwareArchitects.com
Web: http://www.CoxSoftwareArchitects.com
+1 862 485 3696 mobile

{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}

\f0\fs24 \cf0 All line numbers are in wd30 diffmarked PDF 
\b obix-v1.1-wd30-changes
\b0  in the wd30 zip archive.\
l77	 declared - not here, in bindings?  Line\
Editorial: References, e.g. to OBIX REST, OBIX Encodings should be in square brackets. Like the internal links.\
148 Changes from version 1 - usually in appendix (non-normative).\
150 "tagspaces" - don't see the result of the poll. Note 763, 2337 and other "tagspaces" uses. "tag dictionary" on 2345.\
Are name objects effectively used as attributes in XSD?\
319 UML update needed. ACTION B update UML; at minimum add "ts".\
413 "See Section xxx" not "See Section xxx for the definition"\
763	5.5.1 Tagspaces or "tag spaces"?\
769  Suggested change: provide time of retrieval and any versioning information available. This MUST be in the attribute TimeOfRetrieval and in "Version" if present.\
Client MUST confirm Version first, and use TimeOfRetrieval if and only if there is no Version.\
778 is tagspaces the list in the lobby object? The use should be  ts or tag - meeting consensus is "tag":\
"tagspace" or "tagspaces" in the lobby. In use, "ts" as attribute.\
842	Is version the version of obix? Isn't this addressed by the XMLNS? Probably need a separate version as the schema may not change.\
1305	What is a "VAV Controller"? Footnote would be nice. If you know that, VAV object on 1320 probably makes sense.\
If everything is in section 4 why do this in 5.5?\
C: put in section 4.\
99 i detailed on XSD.  "PIM-like"\
Declaration in XSD binding. Toby - research.\
MUST use xmlns as declared in the XML Binding.specification used. MUST state that binding in conformance statement. But this makes it impossible to change the binding, whether it's standard or not.\
NOTE: Bring forward and Review and approve as a group 1.1, Bindings wd09 or wd10 (?), Encodings WD13,\
CHECK encodings does not have declared XMLNS on cover page; in 
\b obix-encodings-v1.0-wd13.pdf
\b0  it seems to be declared on lines 76-81.  . COMMENT in JIRA\

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