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odf-adoption message

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Subject: OpenDocument compliance/conformance--logo

I believe that using OASIS current logo would be better than organize a design competition, especially toward corporate world :

- Until now I see two differents targets in the discussion for the
  - branding software products as "compliant"
  - enhance visibility of ODF in the media by providing some visual
    anchor (mostly on the web ?)                                   

- by organizing a competition, we will gain visibility and goodwill in
the open source community. But we have already a good support by OSS
people! Moreover, by using a "community" logo, it may help the
classical wait and see position in the corporate world : "yeat another
OSS new thing, let's wait a few years before deciding."

- by using OASIS brand, we directly respond to the question "Who is
behind that ODF thing ?" by "the OASIS people, and the won't vanish
tomorrow". So, no need to build a new brand. I believe that could be
more efficient to promote the format toward goverment and other
organisations. Moreover, OASIS logo would provide synergy with other
open standards, and that's important too.

The design competition would help communication by launching some hype
on the web sites, but such an operation need a few months. Could we
obtain same visibility by a short announce and relay information on
most ODF related sites ? I think so.

We may first provide some neutral OASIS/ODF logo first, to help
communication on the web (linking on some relevant web page by there),
then work on a "compliancy" logo, that may require more work about
guidelines, tools...


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