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Subject: Re: [odf-adoption] The next ODF camp

(Sorry, can't make the conf. call).

On 2007-09-25, at 14:40 , robert_weir@us.ibm.com wrote:

> Do we know when the next aKademy is?  I heard that they had one  
> earlier in 2007 in Scotland, but I don't see a schedule of future  
> ones.
> We're also rather close to XML 2007 in Boston in December.  Since  
> it is almost October, I'm not sure we have the bandwidth to do two  
> camps in the three remaining months of 2007.  So maybe we do XML  
> 2007, as planned, and then try to coordinate something with KOffice  
> for Q1 2008?

Meanwhile, can I suggest we focus on developing what was initiated at  
the ODF camp?  I mean, fixing issues that need to be fixed and  
establishing (or making sure those established don't dissolve)  
channels of communication? Perhaps using the Oasis or XML site for this?

What I think would lead to a loss of effort is to have many camps  
with no results.

> -Rob

> Louis.Suarez-Potts@Sun.COM wrote on 09/25/2007 07:46:05 AM:
> > I think that the ODF Interoperability camp that took place last week
> > was a success. But we need to follow up on it.  I had briefly
> > mentioned to the KDE people that it would make sense to have the  
> next
> > one at aKademy, but it could even be before then.
> >
> > Ideas?
> >
> > Louis

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