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Subject: radio button groups

I think authors need the flexibility to use frames an labels in the manner that best fits from the perspective of the UI designer.  I thought of eight scenarios.  Three of them are problematic and should be addressed as indicated below:

1) Problem:  A frame around two radio button groups.  
Solutions:  Add labels for each group and/or use two groups

2) Problem: A button group with no group and no label
Solutions:  Add a label and/or a group

3) Problem:  A label must label controls in the same radio button group.  Although it doesn't make sense, ODF allows this.

An example follows where the first label is labeling controls 3 and 4 but controls 3 and 5 are in the first button group.  This is a contrived but apparently legal example that was submitted by Malte.

<form:form form:name="Standard" >
form:fixed-text form:name="LabelField1" form:for="control3,control4" form:id="control1" form:label="LABEL 1" />
form:fixed-text form:name="LabelField2" form:for="control5,control6" form:id="control2" form:label="LABEL 2" />
<form:radio form:name="RadioGroup1" form:id="control3" form:label="Grp1-1" > </form:radio>
<form:radio form:name="RadioGroup2" form:id="control4" form:label="Grp1-2" > </form:radio>
<form:radio form:name="RadioGroup1" form:id="control5" form:label="Grp2-A" > </form:radio>
form:radio form:name="RadioGroup2" form:id="control6" form:label="Grp2-B" > </form:radio>


Are 1) and 2) detectable by the UA?  If so our guideline can target the UA developer.  Otherwise we need to cover this in a guideline aimed at the content author.

Can the situation in 3) be eliminated via the schema so that it would be illegal markup?

If it's helpful here are the other five non-problematic scenarios:

1) group with a frame
2) group with a label
3) group with a frame and label
4) two groups in one frame but each group having a label
5) two groups with no outer frame and each group having a label  (it's really the same as case two)

Pete Brunet

IBM Accessibility Architecture and Development
11501 Burnet Road, MS 9022E004, Austin, TX 78758
Voice: (512) 838-4594, Cell: (512) 689-4155
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