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Subject: Draft ODF A11y SC Minutes for November 10 Monday November 10th


Janina Sajka,	Phone:	+1.202.595.7777;	sip:janina@a11y.org
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC	http://CapitalAccessibility.Com

Marketing the Owasys 22C talking screenless cell phone in the U.S. and Canada
Learn more at http://ScreenlessPhone.Com

Chair, Open Accessibility	janina@a11y.org	
Linux Foundation		http://a11y.org

IPv6 is the answer!

Office Accessibility SubCommittee Teleconference
Monday, November 10, 2008
Submitted by Janina Sajka

	Pete Brunet		PB
	Richard Schwerdtfeger	RS
	Hironobu Takagi		HT
	Tatsuya Ishihara	TI
	Janina Sajka		JS
	Peter Korn		PK

	Chieko Asakawa	

1. Approval of minutes from 27Oct08 meeting (attached, and also at:
    These are also attached as a text file.
Approved as amended:
Janina to repost with the following edit:
Malte and Peter's aCTION to provide guidance re how we should position our
Guidelines should be marked closed decided not to place a doc as part of ODF
1.2 suite

2. Hiro complete review of ODF 1.2 specification and also to determine if
there is a need to make use of its new metadata
 - Based on Hiro's review discuss way to submit change requirements to the
ODF 1.2 TC.
 - Discussion: Action plan for next rev. of ODF Accessibility Guidelines
based on Hiro's review
 - Rich discussion format of requirements submittal (Each requirement to
include change to RNG schema and changes to base document).

Ht: No item appears to need update in spec, but several that require us to
update our Guidelines.

TI: In Chapter 2 is Appendix of ODF spec remove e.3, no longer relevant in our

RS: Didn't we also have wording in the spec about this?

ACTION: Peter to remove Appendix E.3 Tables/Presentations

PK: It would be helpful if we could note which version of the ODF 1.2 specs
our analysis is based on.

TI: We only covered approved items.

RS: Do we change XML ID?

TI: We don't need to change the skema, but should change the spec document in
order to make these links interoperable among ODF editors.

ACTION: Hiro to post clearly marking whether links are local as an issue to
our list and the TC list.

RS;: Is there something to say about metadata that would be helpful to us?

HT: Not yet, because the spec is still only a framework.

HT: They seem to focus metadata on content elements.

RS: What about form elements?

HT: I don't recall.

RS: So they didn't define any metadata, they just support third party metadata

HT: Yes, if there was something else, I didn't find it.

RS: I think I now have enough to start drafting requirements to the TC. So far
it's pretty short--which is good.

RS: Hiro, is there specific metadata we want added?

HT: Our remaining issues are advanced a11y, dynamic content, charts, graphics,
etc. We might want metadata in support of that.

RS: Live region support, for example?

HT: Yes.

HT: Databases would benefit.

PK: For our guidelines--what to do?

RS: Perhaps, but there are several ways.

PK: Is live region awareness in the Office authoring app? Or in the web client
being used to view the data?

RS: Author should mark as "live."

PK: My question is how does this get to the AT? We're currently not doing
anything with live regions except in Firefox.

RS: Would be the Office app.

ACTION: Peter to figure out live region exposure in ATK/AT-SPI for use in
client apps.

PK: Might A-Designer help us figure this out by visualizing the ODF doc for
us? If we depend on authors, we have to convey what it means to do the right

HT: This is probably best discussed in a separate thread.

HT: We're still in a research phase for ARIA visualization, so we may be able
to add for ODF.

HT: Perhaps we could predefine some common roles.

HT: Multiple tables in a spread sheet.

PK: I don't quite follow.

RS: So role attrib as part of metadata?

HT: As candidate vocabulary.

RS: For type information not explicitly discoverable--but we need use cases.

RS: Role landmarks, perhaps, to aid document nav.

HT: Another major missing accessibility technology in ODF is multimedia
support--captions, for embedded audio, for instance.

RS: Do they use plugins?

HT: Native animation support. Now there's autoplay property, a la pps in Ms

HT: So perhaps we need animation description to doc.

PK: We discussed adding this for slides. Is this different?

HT: It's not obvious how best to implement captioning, switching on/off, etc.

HT: My concern is that the presentation can be a mix of media types.


HT: If you export into flash file, it is regarded as a movie. So, we may need
something like Magpie.

PK: Trying to understand what we caption and what we audio-describe.

RS: I want to consider one more item before we adjourn ...

PB: I have 8 use cases to consider. I see 3 cases where we need to provide
guidance and/or have AT discover that authors didn't do it correctly. I can
write this up.

RS: Can you have Malte review?

PB: Yes.

RS: Re our action on PDF, we do force repeating headers in Symphony, and this
is inline with Adobe's guidance.

PK: What we have now is also fine with DAISY.

ACTION: RS to close out rs on pdf write a proposal for for our Guidelines on
how to expose PDF headers.


3. Wrap up on best practices for radio button groups (see last action item
above). Peter Korn to ask Orca team. (Pete, Malte)

What are the best practices for creating button groups?  There are two
tags providing labeling: 1)form:frame and 2) form:fixed-text.  In the
latter case, i.e. static text is labeling a group of buttons (rather
than the buttons being groups in a form:frame, would you be able to
implement an accessible hierarchy (including the proper relations) for a
button group?

Last Post:


* Malte: Provide input on charts backed by disjoint cells:

            How does (or how will) OpenOffice provide access to charts
backed by disjoint cell ranges either in a single or multiple tables? If
this case be done today, what are the examples?




* Pete/Rich to investigate how Symphony maps repeating table headers to

* Peter Korn and Pete Brunet to specify the text of how table row and
column information are mapped in ATK and IA2

* Peter Korn to consider/Update our guidelines to cover Apple api.

* Steve Noble to look at formulas specification identify data that would
update frequently, such as volatile formula information that would require
the Office application to inform the AT of updates sections. Will complete
by next meeting. Steve has moved on. Rich and Peter to determine how to

* Rich to provide base document for ODF 1.2 change specification (starting
with table ecaption-id reference) to Mike Paciello. Mike is to own the
requirements document for ODF 1.2 which will be submitted to the ODF TC.
Rich is waiting on a decision as to where the ODF schema is to reside
(separate or within the base document).


ACTION: Peter to remove Appendix E.3 Tables/Presentations

ACTION: Hiro to post clearly marking whether links are local as an issue to
our list and the TC list.

ACTION: Peter to figure out live region exposure in ATK/AT-SPI for use in
client apps.

ACTION: RS to close out rs on pdf write a proposal for for our Guidelines on
how to expose PDF headers.



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