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Subject: RE: [office-collab] Thoughts and Comments onextended-change-tracking-proposal

Sorry for the delay on this.  It took some time, plus other commitments.  The examples in this doc are fairly straightforward extrapolations of the patterns established in the main proposal doc and in line with the general flavor of existing ODF change tracking.




I hope it helps further everyone’s understanding and the discussion.




From: John Haug [mailto:johnhaug@exchange.microsoft.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2011 6:02 PM
To: office-collab@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [office-collab] Thoughts and Comments on extended-change-tracking-proposal


By the way, while I look into this, I’d like to solicit input from others on how some of these cases should look.  Again, we intended this document to be a starting point of discussion, a catalyst for the subcommittee to create an inclusive design, not a specification of how I think every detail of a design must look.  I’d love to hear from others who have expertise in this area as they likely have some insights I may not.




From: John Haug [mailto:johnhaug@exchange.microsoft.com]
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2011 5:45 PM
To: office-collab@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [office-collab] Thoughts and Comments on extended-change-tracking-proposal


Hi Ganesh –

Yes, as general text edits, we would certainly intend for #1 and #3 to be supported in an extension to the current change tracking model.  Same for #2 as a basic table edit.


I can start looking at building example markup snippets, though that will take some time given the number of specific cases called out.  Until then, some general guidance that might help: While working on the proposal it came out that each category of change essentially established a basic pattern.  So while each of the specific items listed below as example cases would be a separate markup snippet, they follow common patterns and you should be able to get a quick sense of the markup/implementation complexity by looking at similar examples in the proposal document.





-----Original Message-----
From: Ganesh Paramasivam [mailto:ganesh@crystalfab.com]
Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2011 11:45 PM
To: office-collab@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [office-collab] Thoughts and Comments on extended-change-tracking-proposal




I have had a change to go through the new change-tracking proposal and please find below my initial thoughts and comments.


I'm aware of the fact that this specification is intended as a "general vision document" than a full specification, but it would be nice to know the over-all approach that the proposal intends to take to support the below mentioned use-cases because that would a criteria ( implementation complexity and feasibility to support not-so-simple scenarios ) in comparing multiple approaches.





1. Missing support for certain types of delete merges.

The use-cases that come under this category are

- Paragraph merge with a list-item

- A list-item merge with paragraph.

- List-item merge with another list-item

- List merge with another list.

These use-cases are illustrated under the category "Other" ( I.1 through I.7) at http://wiki.oasis-open.org/office/ChangeTrackingUseCases


2. Missing support for table cell splits and merges ( Single as well as multiples and combinations. example:- two consecutive horizontal merges followed by a vertical merge ) These use-cases are illustrated under the category "Tables" ( C.7 through C.10) at http://wiki.oasis-open.org/office/ChangeTrackingUseCases


3. Clarification needed for multiple and over-lapping change use-cases. It is not entirely clear whether these use-cases are supported or not. Would be great to see this specifically addressed in the proposal.

Some examples ( non-exhaustive ) of this category are

- A paragraph addition followed by a merge of the paragraph with a preceding paragraph.

- Text addition followed by format-change followed by deletion of the text

- Paragraph addition followed by style-change followed by deletion of the paragraph.

- Text-deletion followed by deletion of the paragraph

- Text-addition followed by deletion of the paragraph.

- List-item addition followed by a merge with a succeeding paragraph.

Some of these use-cases are illustrated under the category "Multiple Changes" (F.1 through F.11) at http://wiki.oasis-open.org/office/ChangeTrackingUseCases



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