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Subject: Re: [office-collab] Generic CT proposal - an implementer's look atit

Hi Thorsten,

On 06.04.2011 11:03, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
20110406090330.GD31629@thinkpad.thebehrens.net" type="cite">
No, the thing I had in mind was more like

<delta:remove-leaving-content-start ...>
</delta:remove-leaving-content-start ...>
<delta:remove-leaving-content-end .../>

but as far as I understood delta:remove-leaving-content, it is intended to remove *only one* element without touching the content (this of course needs to be specified precisely, see below), and if you actually remove the element, the resulting ODF must be valid. So the only possible use cases that I can imagine for this is removing a span and removing a plain section but leaving the content as is (and I'd drop the second one because it is not very common).
20110406090330.GD31629@thinkpad.thebehrens.net" type="cite">
For making ct transactions individually acceptable and rejectable,
of course also the inverse, modulo nested added / removed content
inside the delta:remove-leaving-content-start block, action needs to
be possible inside the application core - i.e. you *will* need to
transform that xml into actionable editing instructions on the
internal document model, i.e. be able to glean the semantics of that
markup on your doc ...

Yes, sure.
20110406090330.GD31629@thinkpad.thebehrens.net" type="cite">
So I maintain that, for being implementable with reasonable effort,
via a non-xml-based representation, the generic ct is heavily
under-constrained. :)

Well, yes, that's what I also asked for in one of my first mails (see http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/office-collab/email/archives/201101/msg00002.html).



Frank Meies | Software Developer
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