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Subject: IRC protocol of today's call as provisonal meeting minutes

The SC decided to keep the bi-weekly Wednesday calls, as one member has
problems to attend on Monday.
Next call will be in 4 weeks, as in two weeks some members (including
me) will be at the Apache Europe conference.

Best regards,
[15:24] Oliver-Rainer Wittmann: hello everybody
[15:30] Robin La Fontaine: hi
[15:31] Jos van den Oever: ircesque
[15:32] Patrick Durusau: I'm just glad this isn't a video call. 
[15:33] Jos van den Oever: Partrick: i combed my hair, but i did not shave for a while
[15:44] Oliver-Rainer Wittmann: next call in four weeks on Wednesday
[15:52] Svante Schubert: Action Item for everyone: Test the paragraph merge example with their own implementation
[15:54] Robin La Fontaine: It would be useful to distinguisb between WHAT is supposed to happen in an operation (before and after XML) and HOW it is represented.
[15:56] Svante Schubert: Yes, Robin. I suggest to start with simple text on the mailing list first.
[16:00] Svante Schubert: <add type="style-text" name="hyphenate">false</add>
[16:00] Svante Schubert: List item promotion and demotion
[16:08] Svante Schubert: Oliver: We need some grouping for ops
[16:08] Svante Schubert: Svante: There is the req of first add, than change in the end delete
[16:09] Svante Schubert: This might be grouped, like instead of adding an op, adding a queue only for the component
[16:10] Svante Schubert: Find the position, is easy, when ops are sorted in document order - I call it normalization (and compressed)
[16:11] Robin La Fontaine: An interesting example might be moving the edit of some text in a table cell to before or after a deletion of a column in the same table. Would special code be needed for this? Perhaps this is a limit of time travel!
[16:11] Svante Schubert: Normalized like the same ops as when reading the doc
[16:13] Svante Schubert: Robin example: 4 column table, delete col 3, edit column 1 row 3
[16:13] Svante Schubert: Component Table, component row and component cell..
[16:17] Oliver-Rainer Wittmann: OP A: edit cell in col 4 row 3; OP B: delete col 3 - now switching the positions of the OPs in the stack ?
[16:18] Svante Schubert: when switching it would be called: delte col 3 and afterwards edit col 3 row 3
[16:20] Svante Schubert: <split s="/2/10">
    <add type="style" name="Normal">
        <add type="style-text" name="hyphenate">false</add>
    <add type="style" s="/3" inherit="Normal"> // style family is
redundant, as a Paragraph was be chosen, "Normal" the name of the
parent, as no "name" it is automatic style
                <add type="style-text" name="margin-left>0.5in</add>
//perhaps we use a measure unit parameter
[16:21] Svante Schubert: Example inverse operation of merge paragraph:
<split s="/2/10">
    <add type="style" name="Normal">
        <add type="style-text" name="hyphenate">false</add>
    <add type="style" s="/3" inherit="Normal"> 
    <add type="style-text" name="margin-left>0.5in</add>
[16:25] Svante Schubert: <add type="paragraph" s="/2/11">simple demonstration of cross-structure
change-tracked deletion.</add>
<add type="paragraph" s="/3/1">The deletion is a </add>
[16:25] Svante Schubert: <add type="paragraph" s="/2/11">simple demonstration of cross-structure
change-tracked deletion.</add>
<add type="paragraph" s="/3/1">The deletion is a </add>
[16:28] Svante Schubert: Oliver: Normally the first paragraph wins, but if the first paragraph has no content it looses.
[16:30] Svante Schubert: Oliver, can you post the special/edge cases for merge paragraph that you aware of on the mailing list, please?
[16:31] Robin La Fontaine: bye from robin!
[16:31] Oliver-Rainer Wittmann: bye
[16:32] John Haug: bye

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