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Subject: RE: [office-comment] [OpenFormula] Return type of EDATE and EOMONTH functions - PS

I should point out that how a cell is presented at the UI of a spreadsheet processor, whether Excel or LibreOffice Calc, does not mean thatâs how the cell content is carried or calculated. It is very easy to demonstrate with the mentioned applications that serial datetime numbers are used, where time within a day is the fraction part of the number.


From: dennis.hamilton@acm.org <dennis.hamilton@acm.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 2, 2023 14:34
To: office-comment@lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: 'Jakub SÄkowski' <jakub.sekowski@handsontable.com>
Subject: RE: [office-comment] [OpenFormula] Return type of EDATE and EOMONTH functions


It seems to me the specification is very clear that serial day numbers are produced. There may be an Excel compatibility consideration about that. Itâs more suspicious that DATEVALUE returns a date when the description is that a serial number is returned. In fact, that is true about the semantics of DATE as well.


Also, DateParam is either a serial date-time or it is *text* which may be interpreted as a Gregorian Calendar date. It is the serial date-time provided directly or indirectly that is used by the related function. Of course you can document your deviation from OpenFormula in HyperFormula, as some propose on the Hyperformula issue #1083.Â


DateParam is considered a âpseudo typeâ and I see no date type in the OpenFormula specification. The office:date-value attribute in the XML for a table cell does have the data type âdateOrDateTime.â Thatâs from XML Schema Part 2: Data Types second edition (although I think it is actually from the ODF schema). So, office:date-value=â2023-03-02T22:28Zâ expresses the datetime that I typed this. And thatâs for interchange representation in an ODF document file. It may or may not have much to do with the internal representations in a spreadsheet processor.


Thanks for the great question, and a thoughtful HyperFormula issue.


  • Dennis



From: Jakub SÄkowski <jakub.sekowski@handsontable.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 7, 2022 12:44
To: office-comment@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Spam (12.101):[office-comment] [OpenFormula] Return type of EDATE and EOMONTH functions




I'm a developer working on HyperFormula - a _javascript_ formula calculation engine: https://hyperformula.handsontable.com/

I have a question about functions EDATE and EOMONTH. The specification states that their return type should be Number, but for me, it seems more logical to return Date from these 2 functions. The numbers returned by EDATE and EOMONTH are not "just numbers" they represent dates in the same way as in functions TODAY, DATE, etc.


Link to the discussion on that topic in our project repository: https://github.com/handsontable/hyperformula/issues/1083


Jakub SÄkowski

Developer | Handsoncode


Timezone: GMT+1 - Bielsko-BiaÅa, PL





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