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Subject: Re: [office-formula] Straw poll - slug (and lightyear)


On 4/8/2010 7:04 AM, Eike Rathke wrote:
20100408110437.GV49534@x4240-so4.germany.sun.com" type="cite">

On Wednesday, 2010-04-07 15:53:41 -0600, Andreas J. Guelzow wrote:

If we say a light-year is the "distance light travels in a vacuum in 1
Julian Year, which is 365.25 days" then this may be very correct but
also very useless. Implementors will still need to decide what that
value really is (or at least which value to use).

On the other hand if we have exact conversion factors in the OpenFormula
standard to convert all those distance units into meters, then the
conversion between any two distance units becomes obvious. 

Let's state the conversion factor, and additionally have that

OK, which explanation?

I now have:

Light-year, the distance light travels, in a vacuum, in a year of 365.25 days

Conversion factor? Ok, I had to get up out of my chair but:

light year ly = 9.460530 X 10^17 cm

Source: Kenneth R. Lang, Astrophysical Data, Springer-Verlag, 1992.

Would it be better to state it in centimeters?

Hope you are looking forward to a great weekend!


PS: I can also insert more exact measurements for Astronomical Unit, Parsec and Megaparsec if anyone is interested.

20100408110437.GV49534@x4240-so4.germany.sun.com" type="cite">


Patrick Durusau
Chair, V1 - US TAG to JTC 1/SC 34
Convener, JTC 1/SC 34/WG 3 (Topic Maps)
Editor, OpenDocument Format TC (OASIS), Project Editor ISO/IEC 26300
Co-Editor, ISO/IEC 13250-1, 13250-5 (Topic Maps)

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