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Subject: Formula SC Conference Chat 04/13/2010: Summary

The Formula SC had scheduled a conference call yesterday at 5pm CET, but 
we missed a moderator for the call who could set it up. The SC members 
who were in the chat room therefore decided to have an informal meeting 
there. This is a summary of our discussions:

Attending (in the chat room) were:
Andreas Guelzow
Dennis Hamilton
Eike Rathke
Eric Patterson
Michael Brauer

Status of the OpenFormula specification
Eike is accepting changes of draft23 and doing edits to resolve the 
outstanding conflicts. He hopes to be ready by tomorrow during the day 
and will upload draft24 then.

Michael will take draft 24 and will correct a few references, update the 
title page, remove empty paragraph's etc. This will result in a draft 
25, but without any substantial changes from draft 24. Based on that 
draft, he will create an non-editorial version which is the candidate 
for a CD2.

An electronic ballot may start this week. This requires:
a) someone who makes a motion on the TC list, an b) someone who seconds 
that motion on the TC list.

Discussions regarding the open CD02 issues
It was discussed how to proceed with the remaining CD02 issues. 
Consensus was reached on the following:

Eike will retarget all remaining CD02 issues to CD03 after thew chat.
Until the next but one SC call (April, the 27th), all CD03 issues shall be:
- resolved,
- set to ODF-Next, or
- have "NEEDS-DISCUSSION" added. Issues that are not in any of these 
states prior to the SC call on the 27th will get "NEEDS-DISCUSSION" 
added automatically.

The SC will then discuss the unresolved issues that have a 
NEEDS-DISCUSSION added (or that still have a CD03 target) in the call on 
the 27th, and decide whether these need to be resolved for ODF 1.2 or 
may be retargeted to ODF-Next.

Michael encouraged SC members, that have some time left, to look into 
issues that are not assigned to themselves to support those that have 
many issues assigned. There was consensus that in this case, comments 
shall be added and the owner of the issue shall be notified, but that 
the issues should not be set to "resolved".

Discussion of OFFICE-2563
This issue was discussed, but no consensus was reached.

Best regards

Michael Brauer, Technical Architect Software Engineering
Sun Microsystems GmbH             Nagelsweg 55
D-20097 Hamburg, Germany          michael.brauer@sun.com
http://sun.com/staroffice         +49 40 23646 500
http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSSa) someone proposes this on the list, an b) 
someone seconds that on the list.
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Jürgen Kunz

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