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office-metadata message

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Subject: Re: [office-metadata] Groups - Metadata SC meeting added

On Jun 12, 2006, at 6:40 AM, patrick@durusau.net wrote:

> The focus of this meeting will be editing of the rough draft use cases
> document posted by Bruce D'Arcus (thanks Bruce!):

A few quick notes:

1) I just copy-and-pasted the content from the wiki; no editing

2) I only copied over use cases that had wiki pages

3) in a few cases, I copied over the use case, but not the page 
content, because it didn't conform to the overview/scenario structure, 
and I wasn't sure how to adapt it

4) we need an introductory section

5) we need to edit for consistency

Perhaps if anyone can address any of this before the call, we can just 
do that through the list?

Finally, a thought (which we can discuss on Thursday if needed): do we 
want to change the title for the "intellectual property" case to a more 
user-focused "automatic captions"?


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