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Subject: quick notes on spec, structured fields

While I'm looking at it now, I'd like to flag a couple of places in the 
ODF 1.0 spec we might come back to later.

1)  Section 6.1: fields description will need to be updated to include 
the metadata work (source data no longer confined to attributes within 
a field element, but can be linked) and the section will need to 
include the new citation field (see 3).

2)  Section 6.2.5: contact information; perfect candidate for mapping 
to/from vcard (see my previous query about vcard on the TC list).

3)  Not yet in the spec (but scheduled for v1.2), but I'm wondering if 
along with this work we might not change the already approved citation 
proposal (which I co-wrote about two years ago!) to be broader. E.g., 
if this is an example of the new citation field:

     <cite:biblioref cite:key="doe99a" cite:style="year">
       <cite:detail cite:units="pages" cite:begin="23" cite:end="24"/>
     <span class="citation">(1999: 23-24)</span>

It's occurred to me, in part in looking at how MS is implementing 
similar suppport, that this could all be generic:

cite:citation = text:structured-field[@type="citation"]
cite:citation-source = text:field-source
cite:citation-body = text:field-body
cite:biblioref = text:reference
cite:biblioref/@cite:key = text:reference/@dc:source (not sure that's 
right, but something like that; takes a uri to associate field with 

... etc.

I partly raise this now because I'm wondering if people can imagine 
other kinds of metadata-backed structured fields as part of our use 
cases (maybe we already do?)?

We then can say all ODF apps must be able to display the structured 
field body, but leave it up to implementations whether they can process 
them. That way, for example, everybody can read and display citations 
without having to explicitly code for it.

Also would help inteop with OXML, since they have structured fields, 
and ODF doesn't.


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