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office-metadata message

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Subject: Re: [office-metadata] Focus on model

Thanks Elias, very helpful example...

What is (or what are) the standard way(s) for RDF tools to resolve 
resources? If we assume that #somethingElse can be resolved how is it 
done. If the metadata is to be useful, being able to resolve the objects 
is certainly vital.

For my example, a tool would need to be able to 'xpointer' into an ODF 
document an retrieve the resource based on the fragment identifier.

Resolving resources is no longer a problem, if they are kept as 
literals. However, how do we avoid redundancy? I see how RDFa or an 
RDFa-like approach can be one solution to this. However whether an 
external ODF tool extracts metadata statements from the content of an 
ODF file or the values of resources that need to be dereferenced doesn't 
seem to be a terribly different thing - it's both about extracting xml 
from an xml file in a zip archive. I might very well oversimplify here; 
please let me know.


Elias Torres wrote:
>> What use-cases can't be implemented by this simplistic approach? Why is
>> there a need to introduce anything beyond a mechanism for referring to
>> fragments into the content?
> This is exactly what I detailed in a previous email. The problems are:
> - We are stepping outside of RDF standard processing and assuming that the
> person knows that #B is not a real resource but in fact a special type of
> resource called OD element that needs to be de-reference and it's content
> turned into a literal.
> - We lose the ability for the RDF to be processed stand-alone by other RDF
> tools.
> - If you look at the example below, you don't have a way to differentiate
> from RDF "resources" from OD resources
> - Not all ontologies allow us to substitute literals with resources
> - We lose some copy and pasteability because it's not a trivial process to
> extract a subset of the graph from the meta(s).xml files.
> <rdf:RDF>
>    <rdf:Description rdf:about="#A">
>      <dc:author rdf:resource="#B">
>      <dc:date rdf:resource="#C">
>     </rdf:Description>
>    <rdf:Description rdf:id="#C">
>      <rdf:type rdf:resource="#SomethingElse">
>     </rdf:Description>
> </rdf:RDF>

Lars Oppermann <lars.oppermann@sun.com>               Sun Microsystems
Software Engineer                                         Nagelsweg 55
Phone: +49 40 23646 959                         20097 Hamburg, Germany
Fax:   +49 40 23646 550                  http://www.sun.com/staroffice

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