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office-metadata message

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Subject: IRC meeting minutes - 04/11

Here are the rough IRC notes we made during the call.


Session Ident: #odf-metadata
[Wed:17:04:40] * darcusb has joined #odf-metadata
[Wed:17:05:00] * Svante sets mode: +o darcusb
[Wed:17:05:17] * EliasT_ has joined #odf-metadata
[Wed:17:06:00] * Svante sets mode: +o EliasT_
[Wed:17:09:26] * ge has joined #odf-metadata
[Wed:17:14:03] <darcusb> <meta:text-field>
[Wed:17:14:17] <darcusb> <text:rdf>
[Wed:17:14:24] <darcusb> </text:rdf>
[Wed:17:14:33] <darcusb> rendered context
[Wed:17:15:06] <darcusb> </meta:text-field>
[Wed:17:16:57] * pdurusau has joined #odf-metadata
[Wed:17:18:42] <Svante> There is no guideline, which metadata moves into content and which moves into the package
[Wed:17:19:40] <Svante> To me these text:rdf is like a XML way of blob, not of interest for the office application. What reason we might have to move it into the content?
[Wed:17:20:46] <EliasT_> Svante, you are right. I don't have a clear cut rule that says what goes where.
[Wed:17:21:51] <Svante> Just checked, chapter "1.3 Content based on Metadata" of the draft defines that only xml:id as attribute for text:meta-field. Isn't this what you wanted, Bruce?
[Wed:17:23:07] <EliasT_> why text:meta-field?
[Wed:17:23:12] <EliasT_> as opposed meta:field?
[Wed:17:23:44] <Svante> Text is the namespace for all content 
[Wed:17:24:06] <Svante> ./s/content/paragraph content
[Wed:17:25:43] <EliasT_> <text:meta-field xml:id="foo" meta:namedGraphID="urn:uuid:123">blah</text:meta-field>
[Wed:17:28:26] <Svante> You solved to go from the text field to the metadata field
[Wed:17:28:31] <Svante> You solved to go from the text field to the metadata file
[Wed:17:28:39] <Svante> We might as well use instead nd m:namedGraph the m:data-type
[Wed:17:30:05] <Svante> I mixed the types. We used rdf:type to find the correct metadata file and not m:data-type
[Wed:17:30:16] <EliasT_> m:Entry has both a URI named Graph and a m:filePath="elias.xml"
[Wed:17:30:27] <EliasT_> rdf:type is used to classify the entries.
[Wed:17:32:30] <EliasT_> You solved to go from the text field to the metadata file
[Wed:17:32:38] <Svante>   But we might even neglect the type on the field, by a
[Wed:17:32:38] <Svante>      office/plug-in scenario as the following:
[Wed:17:32:38] <Svante>         1. A plug-in would register for certain rdf:types.
[Wed:17:32:38] <Svante>         2. The office would read the metadata manifest and find a
[Wed:17:32:38] <Svante>            responsible plug-in based upon the registered rdf:types for
[Wed:17:32:38] <Svante>            certain RDF/XML entries.
[Wed:17:32:38] <Svante>         3. The plug-in would read it's entries (RDF/XML files) and
[Wed:17:32:38] <Svante>            would find IRIs in it it related to odf:elements.
[Wed:17:32:38] <Svante>         4. Plug-in would announce responsibility for these IRIs
[Wed:17:32:38] <Svante>         5. Based on the binding the office would be able to map the
[Wed:17:32:38] <Svante>            IRIs to xml:ids. 
[Wed:17:35:00] <EliasT_> <text:meta-field xml:id="foo" .>
[Wed:17:35:18] <EliasT_> odf:Binding xml:idref="foo" rdf:resource="uuuid1">
[Wed:17:35:50] <Svante> I paste an example from the draft about this:
[Wed:17:35:52] <Svante> Giving an example of possibly involved XML files when adding metadata to a single ODF element:
[Wed:17:36:50] <Svante> 1.The fragment of the content file to be described, in this case the style.xml file:
[Wed:17:36:50] <Svante> <style:master-page style:name="Standard" style:page-layout-name="pm1">
[Wed:17:36:50] <Svante> 	<style:footer>
[Wed:17:36:50] <Svante> 		<text:p xml:id="ID_A" text:style-name="fs">Some text</text:p>
[Wed:17:36:50] <Svante>     </style:footer>
[Wed:17:36:50] <Svante> </style:master-page>
[Wed:17:36:50] <Svante> 2.The fragment of the manifest.rdf file:
[Wed:17:36:50] <Svante> <odf:Element rdf:about="http://example1"; odf:path="style.xml"   odf:id="ID_A"/>
[Wed:17:36:50] <Svante> <odf:Element rdf:about="http://example2"; odf:path="content.xml" odf:id="ID_B"/>
[Wed:17:36:50] <Svante> <odf:Element rdf:about="http://example3"; odf:path="content.xml" odf:id="ID_C"/>
[Wed:17:36:50] <Svante> 3.The fragment of a RDF/XML file:
[Wed:17:36:50] <Svante> <rdf:Description rdf:about="urn:uuid:224ab023-77b8-4396-a75a-8cecd85b81e3">
[Wed:17:36:50] <Svante> 	<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/2007/03/meta/opendocument#Element"/>
[Wed:17:36:50] <Svante>     <ex:editor rdf:parseType="Resource">
[Wed:17:36:52] <Svante>         <vCard:FN>Robert Louis Stevenson</vCard:FN>
[Wed:17:36:52] <Svante>     </ex:editor>
[Wed:17:36:52] <Svante> </rdf:Description>
[Wed:17:37:08] <Svante> Eliast: Stated we should change odf:id to odf:idref
[Wed:17:37:14] <Svante> I agree on this
[Wed:17:39:00] <Svante> I agree as well that the namedGraph attribute would ease the mechanism to find the relation between text:meta-field and responsible metadata RDF/XML file.
[Wed:17:39:33] <EliasT_> xml:id maps an odf:Element to a resource
[Wed:17:39:38] <EliasT_> not to a file
[Wed:17:39:45] <EliasT_> a resource can be found in multiple RDF/XML files
[Wed:17:40:36] <Svante> Yes. The xml:id is only valid in a certain XML file.
[Wed:17:41:18] <EliasT_> <odf:Element rdf:about="http://example2"; odf:path="content.xml" odf:id="ID_B"/>
[Wed:17:42:06] <EliasT_> http://example is an ODFElement... and we can find the element id and file name.
[Wed:17:42:28] <EliasT_> http://example1 can be found in elias.xml, meta.xml, manifest.xml
[Wed:17:43:13] <EliasT_> maps an odf:idref + odf:path -> a named graph or m:Entry
[Wed:17:43:25] <Svante> Yes, we can not guarantee that not further plug-ins add information to the text:meta-field 
[Wed:17:45:18] <EliasT_> <text:meta-field xml:id="foo">blah</text:meta-field>
[Wed:17:45:42] <Svante> 	<mm:entry>
[Wed:17:45:42] <Svante> 		<mm:Entry
[Wed:17:45:42] <Svante> 			rdf:about="http://rdf-named-graph/calendar/vcard";
[Wed:17:45:42] <Svante> 			odf:path="meta/calendar/vcard.rdf">
[Wed:17:45:42] <Svante> 			<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#"/>
[Wed:17:45:42] <Svante> 			<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://calendar/data"/>
[Wed:17:45:42] <Svante> 		</mm:Entry>
[Wed:17:45:42] <Svante> 	<mm:entry>
[Wed:17:45:56] <EliasT_> t="http://rdf-named-graph/calendar/vcar
[Wed:17:45:59] <EliasT_> http://rdf-named-graph/calendar/vcar
[Wed:17:46:28] <EliasT_> <odf:Element rdf:about="http://rdf-named-graph/calendar/vcar"; odf:path="content.xml" odf:idref="foo"/>
[Wed:17:46:56] <EliasT_> if the about is of type m:Entry
[Wed:17:47:38] <EliasT_> <mm:Entry
[Wed:17:47:42] <EliasT_> rdf:about="http://rdf-named-graph/calendar/vcard";
[Wed:17:47:49] <EliasT_> odf:path="meta/calendar/vcard.rdf">
[Wed:17:47:58] <EliasT_> <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#"/>
[Wed:17:48:05] <EliasT_> <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://calendar/data"/>
[Wed:17:48:11] <EliasT_> </mm:Entry>
[Wed:17:49:41] <EliasT_> <odf:Element rdf:about="http://rdf-named-graph/calendar/vcar"; odf:path="content.xml" odf:idref="foo"/>
[Wed:17:49:44] <EliasT_> <odf:Element rdf:about="http://rdf-named-graph/calendar/vcar2222"; odf:path="content.xml" odf:idref="foo"/>
[Wed:17:50:22] <EliasT_> http://rdf-named-graph/calendar/vcar
[Wed:17:50:27] <EliasT_> is of type m:Entry and m:Element
[Wed:17:50:32] <Svante> Earlier rdf:about was an IRI about the Element, now the IRI is a named graph
[Wed:17:50:52] <EliasT_> is of type m:Entry and odf:Element
[Wed:17:51:17] <Svante> Is RDF/XML about one element always in one metadata RDF/XML file?
[Wed:17:51:17] <EliasT_> xml:id=foo
[Wed:17:52:22] <EliasT_> http://rdf-named-graph/calendar/vcar
[Wed:17:52:41] <EliasT_> is rdf:type m:Entry
[Wed:17:53:05] <EliasT_> <mm:Entry
[Wed:17:53:05] <EliasT_> rdf:about="http://rdf-named-graph/calendar/vcard";
[Wed:17:53:11] <EliasT_> odf:path="meta/calendar/vcard.rdf">
[Wed:17:53:19] <EliasT_> <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#"/>
[Wed:17:53:27] <EliasT_> <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://calendar/data"/>
[Wed:17:53:34] <EliasT_> </mm:Entry>
[Wed:17:53:46] <Svante> A named graph is always related to one mm:Entry as in RDF/XML a named graph is always a single file, correct?
[Wed:17:54:27] <EliasT_> <mm:Entry rdf:about="http://rdf-named-graph/calendar/vcard"; />
[Wed:17:54:29] <EliasT_> <mm:Entry rdf:about="http://rdf-named-graph/calendar/vcard";>
[Wed:17:54:37] <EliasT_> <ex:foo>bar</ex:foo>
[Wed:17:54:40] <EliasT_> </mm:Entry>
[Wed:17:55:47] <EliasT_> <odf:Element rdf:about="http://rdf-named-graph/calendar/vcard"/>
[Wed:17:56:20] <EliasT_> <http://rdf-named-graph/calendar/vcard> a mm:Entry; a odf:Element; ex:foo "bar" .
[Wed:17:58:11] <Svante> rdf:about can sometimes be the NamedGraph, sometimes an IRI explaining the element?
[Wed:18:00:02] <EliasT_> <odf:GraphBinding>
[Wed:18:00:23] <EliasT_> <odf:GraphBinding meta:namedGraphId="" odf:path="" odf:idfref="" />
[Wed:18:05:04] <EliasT_> so we won't have any other field-get, field-set stuff right?
[Wed:18:05:11] <Svante> right
[Wed:18:18:46] <Svante> bye
[Wed:18:18:50] <darcusb> bye
[Wed:18:18:53] * darcusb has left #odf-metadata

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