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Subject: Describing ODF nodes in OWL


Recently Bruce asked on this list for a way to identify ODF meta field 
in an RDF/XML file using RDF type.
Taken this as a valid request, the basic question is:
If we need to describe characteristics of ODF nodes in OWL and/or RDFS, 
what should we use for the URI? Is it OK to use the existing namespaced 
node name?

Some full example taking place in an ODF package to make sure the 
problem is clear.
Imagine in the content.xml there would be a paragraph containing a citation:

<text:p>According to
<text:meta-field xml:id=”someID”>
<text:span text:style-name=”s1”>[2]</text:span>

The metadata manifest snippet relates the element ID and file path to an 

<odf:ContentFile pkg:path="content.xml">
<odf:Element rdf:about="uri:someIRI" pkg:idref="someID"/>

Now the most interesting part.
The snipped of RDF/XML user data can be written as typed node elements 
[1] in various ways:

<rdf:Description rdf:about="uri:someIRI">
<odf:Element rdf:about="uri:someIRI">
<text:meta-field rdf:about="uri:someIRI">

By doing this a text:meta-field element could appear in the RDF/XML, 
which should not behave as a text:meta-field, but is only representing 
it in the metadata graph.

I see the following Pro/con:

It might be confusing to see a text:meta-field in a RDF/XML file, which 
is not really an ODF field, but only an RDF node representing it.
But as long the context of being an RDF/XML file is clear there is no 

In case we would use the similar namespace and localname of the ODF 
element as RDF type we would have a generic mechanism for all ODF elements.
We would avoid a further level of complexity.
It would be clear to the user/machine reading the RDF/XML file, what we 
are describing, we do not have to invent a second IRI for each ODF element.

What does the group think about this problem?


[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-syntax-grammar/#section-Syntax-typed-nodes

Sun Microsystems GmbH           Svante Schubert
Nagelsweg 55                    Software Engineer
20097 Hamburg                   StarOffice / OpenOffice.org Development
Germany                         Phone: +49(0)40 236 46 500
http://www.sun.com              Svante.Schubert@sun.com

Sitz der Gesellschaft:
Sun Microsystems GmbH, Sonnenallee 1, D-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
Amtsgericht Muenchen: HRB 161028
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Boemer
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering 

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