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Subject: Re: [office-requirements] RE: [office] Re: [office-requirements] Current status


On 16 July 2010 21:02,  <robert_weir@us.ibm.com> wrote:
> Anything is possible.  In the end the TC decides based on its votes.  I'm
> more interested right now in figuring out how we can converge on a shared
> vision without too much bloodshed.
> One approach would be to have another call for proposals period.  We did a
> public one before.  And we collected member submissions before.  But the
> TC membership is different than it was back in 2008, so we should probably
> solicit for proposals again.
> So first, thing, have another call for proposals.  Maybe this can be done
> in conjunction with a public review of the ODF-Next paper?  In any case,
> get all of these proposals in JIRA, categorized as ODF-Next.
> Then, have some sort of voting procedure.  For example, give each TC
> member 20 "points" which they can allocate across any of the proposals.
> They could give 20 different proposals 1 point each, or 1 proposal 20
> points.  Anything that adds up to 20.  Well, maybe not anything.  Giving
> -1000 votes to one proposal and 1020 to another would not be good!
> At the same time, ask for volunteers to own the specification of any
> particular feature.

I think the mechanics of this kind of arrangement are interesting and
I can see it could work.  And as Rob says, it presupposes a sort of
list or bag of issues from which one would vote on.

Nevertheless I think there is some more of a visionary roadmap
exercise which we need to do over and above the detail.  What happens
next after odf 1.2 will be a longitudinally nuanced process rather
than a simple catch all odf-next version.  There are already a
significant number of issues which have been building up which qualify
as incremental short term improvements.  The kind of issues which
might very well have been targeted at 1.2 except for time constraints.
 I'm thinking here of things like the recent annotations discussion,
schema/validation improvements and possibly some of the security

So, as Hanssens has suggested we do need to have an eye on a 1.2.x version.

Then there are other proposals which carry with them a greater
implementation burden and would need to be targeted at a subsequent,
more substantially updated version.  These might include things like
more complete svg support, more security issues. compatibility issues
with other formats etc .  It would also be interesting to tie in with
roadmaps of the various implementations to ensure some long term
alignment of effort.

So I would suggest that
(i)  we complete the current process of categorizing current odf-net
jira issues into thematic areas.
(ii) we have a roadmap discussion where we can identify some
milestones of subsequent odf versions.  This might best be done in a
teleconference which could be done under the auspices of odf-next SC.
Will it be 1.3, 2.0 or do we converge to the square root of 1.5:
1.224744871...  :-)
(iii) we start pegging the issues from (i) to the proposed versions of
(ii).  This process could well proceed using the mechanism Rob has


> We then agree to work on the proposals which have the highest number of
> points and which have a volunteer.
> -Rob
> Hanssens Bart <Bart.Hanssens@fedict.be> wrote on 07/16/2010 03:02:32 PM:
>> RE: [office] Re: [office-requirements] Current status
>> Mmz, what about releasing a ODF 1.2.1 / 1.3 first, focusing on
>> change tracking ?
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