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Subject: [office] OpenDocument TC Meeting Minutes 2005-09-19

Michael Brauer (chair) <michael.brauer@sun.com>, Sun Microsystems
Gary Edwards <garyedwards@yahoo.com>
Yue Ma <mayue@cn.ibm.com>, IBM
Nathaniel Borenstein <nborenst@us.ibm.com>
Tom Magliery <tom.magliery@blastradius.com>, Blast Readius
Duane Nickull <dnickull@adobe.com>, Adobe Systems
Lars Oppermann <lars.oppermann@sun.com>, Sun Microsystems
Florian Reuter <florian.reuter@sun.com>, Sun Microsystems
David Faure <faure@kde.org>
Regrets: Patrick

Acceptance of Minutes from Last Call
- The attending TC members unanimously accepted the minutes.

Action Items
Michael: create errata document
- ongoing


Public OpenDocuments users mailing list:
TC members agreed, that there should be a public mailing list for 
discussion among users of OpenDocument.
It could be called open-document-users@lists.oasis.org
(Nathaniel:) There should be a charter document for such a list, that 
clarifies how TC members comments on the list are to be regarded with 
respect to the specification (i.e. TC member comments must not be taken 
to overrule the spec)

Meta data:
(Gary:) w3c encourages common meta data model across multiple 
application. Making OpenDocuments meta data model interoperable with RDF 
would thus be a big step forward.

Some review is needed on the current state of our RDF discussion. Duane 
will try involve engineers at Adobe that have RDF experience.

(Lars:) If it is possible to make statements about a document as a 
whole, it might also be useful to make statements about specific parts 
of that document. To make that work in RDF, a URL-schema would be needed 
  to reference those parts.

The users mailing list would be a good place to invite people for a 
public discussion on an extended meta data model for OpenDocument.

New Action Items
- none -

Next conference call
2005-09-26 3PM GMT – 4:00PM GMT

Lars Oppermann

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