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Subject: Re: [office] Drawing Caption Questions

I haven't yet gotten around to including Rich's updated caption text. It 
will be in the next draft.


Zhi Yu Yue wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am not sure if this item has been closed or not (I just joined this TC 
> last week...and greetings to all). I ever had a discussion with Rich on 
> the caption-id. I see that Draft 3 is same with Draft 2 on this part by 
> using the id of <text:p> or <text:section> to caption a drawing element 
> (9.2.15). As we know, <draw:text-box> can enclose multiple <text:p> or 
> <text:section> elements although it may not happen often. Do we mean to 
> use one part of text in the text box as the caption? If not, it seems 
> that the "draw:id" could be used for this purpose.
> My collegue also asked that, could the <draw:caption> be used as 
> caption? I read the spec, and it seems it should be. Anyway, I bring the 
> question here to get your comments. Thanks!
> Helen Yue

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