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Subject: OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2011-05-23 (corrected once)

OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2011-05-23

* Begin 9:33 EDT


+Andreas Guelzow
+David Wheeler
+Dennis Hamilton
+Donald Harbison
Doug Schepers
+Eric Patterson
+Ming Fei Jia
+Robert Weir
+Robin LaFontaine
Steven Pemberton
+Thorsten Behrens
+Thorsten Zachmann
+Tristan Mitchell

Voting Members are indicated with a + before their name, Persistent 
Non-Voting members with an *

11/17 voting members present =64%, so quorum requirements are met.

Membership Notes: Eike Rathke is on a leave of absence

* Agenda  was approved by unanimous consent. 

* Minutes of May 16th were approved by unanimous consent.

* Discussion: ODF maintenance. 

Dennis has posted a "dry run" of the ODF 1.1 Errata, to demonstrate an 
approach we can use for presenting the changes.

ODF 1.1 will be corrected via Errata at several levels:

1) To apply relevant corrections carried forward from ODF 1.0 Errata
2) To correct a lingering defect report from Japan related to our XSLT 
3) If needed, to sync up with additional editorial corrections made during 
ISO/IEC processing of the ODF 1.1 amendment there.

Discussion of whether the TC intends to publish a "conformed copy"  of ODF 
1.1 Errata with changes merged in.  Consensus is that this would be more 
useful to implementors than just a list of corrections.

* Discussion: ODF 1.2

Waiting for Chet to transition the CS to a Candidate OASIS Standard.

* Discussion: ODF-Next

Robin noted that we will have another call on the change tracking 
proposals next Tuesday

* Other business

David announced that with the completion of ODF 1.2, he has accomplished 
what he sought to accomplish with OpenFormula and would be stepping down 
from the TC. 

Based on question from Doug S., discussion of whether OpenFormula might be 
relevant to the W3C.

* Adjourned at 10:11 EDT

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