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Subject: Chat log, ODF Teleconference, March 27, 2017


The chat log from the ODF TC teleconference March 27, 2017:

anonymous morphed into Jos van den Oever
Jos van den Oever will be a bit later
Patrick: quorum - yes
Patrick: The options:
Jos van den Oever: <text:p>hello</text:p> will not be indented, but
<text:p><text:span>hello</text:span></text:p> will
Jos van den Oever notes that the smilies were not intended
Jos van den Oever: xmllint will introduce unwanted whitespace between
'b' and 'c' when it formats this: <p><span>ab</span><span>c</span></p>
Svante Schubert: https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-2102
Svante Schubert:
Svante Schubert: If someone uses an ODF application to put a script into
a text:script element (however this is accomplished), the content.xml
might be written in one line (as most ODF apps do).
Svante Schubert: Any one else doing pretty printing during XML editing
would break the script if not whitespace handling as usual would occur.
Jos van den Oever: The whitespace handling like in <p> would break the
contents of <script> indeed.
Svante Schubert: text:s, text:line-break and text:tab would be used
during serialization
Jos van den Oever: you cannot put text:s inside of text:script
Jos van den Oever: it's not allowed
Svante Schubert: Therefore I am voting for solution B :)
Svante Schubert: To keep whitespace handling consistent and
Patrick: text:script element goes elsewhere, not into the text:p element
Svante Schubert: pretty-printing would not break text content within
descendant element of a paragraph/heading
Svante Schubert: "text:script" is not referenced by any other element?
Jos van den Oever: svante: The <text:script> element is usable within
the following elements: <text:a> 6.1.8, <text:h> 5.1.2, <text:meta>
6.1.9, <text:meta-field> 7.5.19, <text:p> 5.1.3, <text:ruby-base> 6.4.2
and <text:span> 6.1.7.
Svante Schubert: I used this schema -
Svante Schubert: <text:script> is defined in line 1770 but never used.
Michael Stahl: the reason why white space collapsing doesn't make any
sense in text:script is that the character data in text:script is not
really part of the user-visible in-line editable paragraph character
content, it is an executable script/macro
Michael Stahl: text:script is in a choice element inside <define
name="paragraph-content"> so it is being used
Svante Schubert: Andreas: The line 1770 is part of the choice
Patrick: text:script content not visible in text:p then no reason to
have whitespace elements text:s, etc. in it.
Patrick: The <text:script> element represents a field that stores
scripts or sections of scripts.
Note: The primary purpose of this field is to provide an equivalent to
the <script> element in
[HTML4], so that the content of a <script> element in HTML can be
imported, edited, and
exported using office application software.
Michael Stahl: my opinion is that (given Jos' example above)
pretty-printing that preserves white-space *cannot* be done generically
but requires knowledge of the actual schema that is being pretyy-printed
and its whitespace rules
Svante Schubert: I am curious if OOXML is able to handle the whitespace
Svante Schubert: of Jos scenario
Svante Schubert: And if XML is able to handle this use case.
Svante Schubert: bye bye

I hope everyone is at the start of a great week!


Patrick Durusau
Technical Advisory Board, OASIS (TAB)
Editor, OpenDocument Format TC (OASIS), Project Editor ISO/IEC 26300
Co-Editor, ISO/IEC 13250-1, 13250-5 (Topic Maps)

Another Word For It (blog): http://tm.durusau.net
Homepage: http://www.durusau.net
Twitter: patrickDurusau 

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