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Subject: a test scenario "mail template" proposal


While it didn't quite work out as I expected, I've uploaded a sample of a
"mail template" containing a scenario, that can be turned into an HTML page.

- The text version is here, this is an example of a use case that an OIC member
or non-member could mail to the list, without having to worry about XML tags:


This plain old text approach feels rather productive, and I'm planning to write
test cases for the most commonly predefined metadata in ODF 1.1 and create one
for ODF 1.2 as well.

- using a groovy script, this gets converted to an XML file (not the same as my
previous, quite detailed, XML metadata proposal, but something similar)


More finetuning needs to be done.

- using an XSLT script and another groovy wrapper, it turns into an HTML file
(unfortunately you won't see the HTML rendering directly, you'll be watching the
HTML code)


Anyway, with a little scripting it'll be easy to collect the HTML pages and the
test cases.

Best regards,



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