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Subject: OIC TC 2009-05-20 Coordination Call Minutes


Date:  Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Time:  13:30 - 14:30 UT


The chat room: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/oic (doesn't count as attendance)

The call-in numbers: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/oic/200903/msg00017.html 
   *** NOTE: A New Pass Code has been assigned for these calls.
Meeting agendas also provide the pass codes and the call-in numbers:

The action items (log-in required):

The roll call confirmed a quorum with 9 of 11 Voting Members in attendance (6 required).


    * Peter Junge, Beijing Redflag Chinese 2000 Software
    * Bart Hanssens, Fedict (Chair)
    * Donald Harbison, IBM
    * Mingfei Jia, IBM
    * Robert Weir, IBM
    * Dennis Hamilton, Individual (secretary)
      Doug Mahugh, Microsoft
    * Alan Clark, Novell
    * Andrew Rist, Oracle
    * Michael Brauer, Sun Microsystems
      Bernd Eilers, Sun Microsystems [new member]

      [* = Voting Member at start of meeting
       + = Voting Member upon conclusion of meeting]


      Charles Schulz, Ars Aperta
      Xiaohong Dong, Beijing Redflag Chinese 2000 Software
      Alex Wang, Beijing Sursen International 
      Jeremy Allison, Google Inc.
      Pierre Ducroquet, Individual
      Andreas Guelzow, Individual
      Thorsten Zachmann, Individual
      Eric Patterson, Microsoft [new member]
    * Stephen Peront, Microsoft
      Tom Rabon, Red Hat
      Aslam Raffee, South Africa Dept. of Science & Technology
      Mathias Bauer, Sun Microsystems
      Michael Cziebalski, Sun Microsystems
      Daniel Rentz, Sun Microsystems
    - Louis Suarez-Potts, Sun Microsystems
      Jerry Smith, US Department of Defense

      [* = Voting Member
       - = Voting Member status ceased on conclusion of the call]

1.2 ACCEPTANCE OF PREVIOUS MINUTES: [accepted without objection]

1.3 ACCEPTANCE OF TODAY'S AGENDA: [accepted without objection]


   The action items (log-in required):
   [Only currently-open items are reviewed]

#0001 OpenDocument Fellowship Contact for Test Documents: Still waiting for approval process within Intel. It has been some time since last contact and Rob will follow-up with the Intel contact.

#0015 Create Template Scenario: To be done after #0016.  This is not being worked on until then. 

#0016 Start Experimental Explosion of ODF 1.1.  The Experimental Explosion has started and Dennis will post his report subsequent to the(se) minutes.

#0019 First Draft of "State of Interoperability".  Rob welcomes any further remarks and additional research.  Rob sees wrapping up this document within a month and having something to vote on. It is confirmed that this document sets the baseline for our work.  It is a background paper.  There are no tests and no statistics yet.

#0023 Outline for Test Case Submissions.  Nothing new at this time.  It was discussed that this could be integrated into the draft on conformance assessment methods.  The wiki description of this will be looked at for integration of this into the assessment methods document.

#0024 The use of the OIC TC List for announcement of all SVN commits and JIRA actions has been clarified as not negotiable.  We will learn to deal with it.  This action item is closed.

#0025 EU IDABC and ODEF - Bart attended as a member-country expert and Rob Weir was also there as an ODF member.  ODEF is focusing on administrative documents and there may be some interop challenges to work through: there are 20 official languages in the EU and there are complex documents, including legal document of various kinds.  There is discussion at ODEF on legacy documents which must be preserved and how they can be upgraded to later formats when accessed or to be revised.  Bart has offered to be the OIC liaison to the IDABC ODEF project.  We will do an on-line ballot to formally appoint Bart.  [It is here: <http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/oic/ballot.php?id=1702> with member log-in required.]  This action item is closed.

#0026 Test Scenarios - Process for Additions.  Stephen is absent and we have no report on this.
#0027 Test Scenarios - How to Submit Material.  Stephen is absent and we have no report on this.



Bart requests the members to share further review.


There is a draft document on the OIC Conformance Assessment Method, 
The idea is to have something to start with regard to the way we will arrive at test assertions, test cases, test documents, etc.

Bart requests examination of the draft and has comments.  Dennis said he will have comments and will submit them in 4 or so blocks on major questions he has.  

Rob asked, and it was confirmed, that this document is not a deliverable of the TC, it is more an architecture for how we are doing our work.  This more like proposed rules or standing rules, not something that becomes a deliverable.


There is going to be a plugfest and we could submit a scenario or two for real documents.  Bart is willing to write one down and upload it by the end of the week.

Dennis noticed that we have only one meeting (June 3) before the June 15-16 event and it not clear what the OIC could do in terms of providing anything that has been approved in some way.

Rob offered to take a word-processing test document, such as the Rajiv Shah one, and turn it into a scenario.

Rob suggested three scenarios: an easy one that can be used as a teething exercise for everyone to practice with and have good results with, along with a harder more-realistic case and then perhaps a complex one.

We discussed that a scenario is not a test assertion or a test case.  A scenario is an outline of what would be done to create a document that fits the scenario.


5.1 Dennis mentioned that there is discussion about having an interoperability track and day at the OpenOffice.org 2009 Conference in Orvieto, Italy, in early November.  Rob suggested that this would be good for looking at interoperability of new features of ODF 1.2.  There is plenty of lead-time for this conference and we have an opportunity to be more prepared.

5.2 Virtual/Web-based plugfests.  Don Harbison suggested that there might be a web-based plugfest in September before the Orvieto conference, with the idea of having a virtual event every 4-6 months (apparently under the auspices of the ODF Adoption TC).  Rob spoke to evolving from an event-based plugfest to a continuous arrangement, emphasizing that once there are (on-line) validators and a body of material available on-line, there are other things that can be done.  Concerning what guidelines OASIS might have around this, Don Harbison took an action to learn what OASIS guidance there is on having a virtual plugfest.


The next call is on Wednesday, June 3.

Respectfully submitted,

 - Dennis

Dennis E. Hamilton
NuovoDoc: Design for Document System Interoperability 
mailto:Dennis.Hamilton@acm.org | gsm:+1-206.779.9430 
http://NuovoDoc.com http://ODMA.info/dev/ http://nfoWorks.org 

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