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Subject: RE: [oic] Interpretation of terminal "/" in URIs and Zip


Here's how this looks to me.

The last time I checked there is no provision in the ODF specification for
access to components of a package from outside of the package.  Nothing we
are doing here has to do with such references.  Furthermore, it is not up to
us to know how references from outside are to be handled.  It has nothing to
do with the ODF Format itself or the compliance of consumers and producers.

The rules in the ODF specification are entirely about relative references
from Package files to other Package Files and subdocuments in the same
package.  Furthermore, there are no entries that correspond to directories
in the Zip model.  We only have them in the ODF Package manifest and they
are an artificial construct introduced solely to distinguish subdocuments
and provide their MIME types.  (When Zip is used to transport hierarchical
folders of files between users, it is the Zip producer and the Zip consumer
software that provides a mapping to file-system structures of the Zip
content.  This is a popular out-of-band convention that is not part of the
Zip specification at all.

In the context of ODF Packages, what there is to worry about is the actual
form of the Zip file name on a Package file, how that relates to the
manifest:full-path attribute value for Package files, how subdocuments and
the overall document itself are reflected in the manifest by a separate
non-colliding method, and then how *relative* URIs are to be resolved
against the manifest to Package sub-documents and, separately, Package

I *will* file JIRA issues against ODF 1.2 Part 3 CD01 on this topic.

 - Dennis

PS: The RFCs for URIs and IRIs make it clear that having path segments pass
through different technologies requires profiling for those specific
technologies, as when going into a Package from outside, going outside of a
Package from inside, and certainly going out across and into another
package, if the second were ever provided for in the ODF specification. (It
is forbidden in ODF 1.1, I will have to check what it says now for ODF 1.2.)
We would do well to make sure we are following those RFCs in this matter.

PPS: We do have an interesting problem concerning the understood base that
relative URIs are expected to be resolved against, since from inside the
resource (the ODF Package) we have no clue what its URI is, if any, as a
resource strictly for resolving an internal relative reference.  Since the
document is mobile and may even be processed from a stream, there is no
fixed base that makes sense for resolution unless there are a manufactured
immutable ones that travel with the document and are known internal to the
package.  Since this matters a great deal for internal cross-references with
RDF XML, we might need to think about this a lot harder.  At the moment,
anything that extracts embedded RDF that uses relative resource references
into Package Files will be hard-pressed to maintain those references to
anything at all.  I suspect you have run into that.

-----Original Message-----
From: Svante.Schubert@Sun.COM [mailto:Svante.Schubert@Sun.COM] 
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 09:42
To: dennis.hamilton@acm.org
Cc: OIC TC List
Subject: Re: [oic] Interpretation of terminal "/" in URIs and Zip


is this is an issue to be discussed or is it settled.
Frankly speaking, I can not see a problem. The common server behavior is 
not standardized nor do I see that it influences us to limit the 
definition of URLs within the ODF package.
On the other hand I do see a problem when narrowing existing standards 
as URL/URI for the package. By defining extra constraints the transition 
of URL/URI from outside the package into it, become more complicated for 
the ODF user.


On 02/11/10 20:44, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
> Although this is an important discussion for ODF 1.2 Part 3 Package
cleanup, it came up on our OIC call Wednesday and I wanted to follow up here
first.  I will repost it to the ODF TC list and any discussion should be
over there.
> Let's see if this helps make sense of things.
> Short answer (11, below): 
> For me, it follows naturally that one would refer to a subdocument in a
URI using a form that resolves to a full-path that matches "prefix/", and
for which there is a manifest:full-path="prefix/" file entry.  This is then
completely distinct from resolving to a package file that might happen to
have the full-path "prefix" (no ending "/"), something which has not, so
far, been prohibited in the ODF 1.2 Part 3 specification and which is
definitely not prohibited in the URI RFC specifications.
>  - Dennis
>  1. First, it is important to understand how there are three features in
the resolution of URIs to resources:
>   a. The client or user agent that is processing a supplied URI
>   b. The URI a service receives from an user agent or client (not
necessarily identical to the one in (a)
>   c. The specific response that the URI of (b) elicits from the service,
including any indication of how the URI was understood 
>  2. Here's a simple exercise:
>  a. Open a browser
>  b. Give it this *exact* URI as the address to visit:
"http://orcmid.com/blog"; making sure there is no "/" on the end.
>  c. Go to that location.
>  d. Notice the URI that is now shown in the address bar of the browser.
For me, it is "http://orcmid.com/blog/";.  
>  3. What happened here?
>  4. The web server, when given "http://orcmid.com/blog"; detects that it
has no resource at it's domain-resolved location, "blog", but it has a
directory at that location.  So the server performs its default behavior for
directory "blog/" *and* it effectively returns the corrected URL
"http://orcmid.com/blog/"; to indicated how it resolved the request.  As you
know, some servers return indexes of their directories when they have
requests like that, some refuse to resolve the request, and others return a
default page.  In my case, you are seeing the default page
>  5. It is also the case that there might be a resource for
"http://orcmid.com/blog"; as well as a directory.  This is entirely
permissible although most web servers don't have such functionality.  The
same goes for file systems, where there might be a resource or data stream
having the same name as a directory, and there might actually be content at
the directory level separate from the content *within* the directory.  The
rules for URLs tolerate these variations.  The WebDAV folks had to deal with
this because in WebDAV you can create and set web resources and also create
collections (usually implemented in directories).  They needed ways for
users of WebDAV to have the various cases work.
>  6. Now we get to the problem with resources (package files) and
subdocuments (sets of one or more package files) and the mappings between
URI, manifest:full-path, and the actual content names in Zip packages.
>  7. First, for URIs (not file-system addresses), the appearance of ".",
"..", "./", "../", etc. are generally client-side or user-agent material (as
are #fragment IDs, usually).  These are typically not sent to services in
http requests for example.  Instead, the relative URI is turned into an
absolute one in some way, and the absolute URI is communicated to the
service.  The URI RFCs describe the convention for this.
>  8. Now look at the full-path rules, such as they are.  It is simple to
infer that a subdocument is a set of package files where the
manifest:full-path entries for those package files have a common prefix,
"prefix/" which is given as the manifest:full-path of the entry that
provides the MIME type for the subdocument.  This file entry has no package
file (there is nothing in the Zip with that name) and there is no
encryption, of course.  
>     It is not prohibited by the rules for URI resolution, and it certainly
doesn't impact the use of Zip (which is indifferent to "prefix/" as a
prefix), for there to also be a package file with
manifest:full-path="prefix" (without the terminal "/").  This is not a
subdocument and it is a perfectly good name for a package file.
>  9. Basically, we could say that contents of a package are all of the
package files that have names of the form "prefix/more" and for which there
is a manifest:full-path="prefix/" file entry.
>  10. There is one exception to (10).  For the document itself, reflected
in manifest:full-path="/" (prefix is empty), the document parts are not
identified with manifest:full-path="/more" because package files are not
permitted to have names that begin with "/".  (That is a requirement of the
Zip specification.)
>  11. For me, it follows naturally that one would refer to a subdocument in
a URI using a form that resolves to a full-path that matches "prefix/", and
for which there is a manifest:full-path="prefix/" file entry.  This is then
completely distinct from resolving to a package file that might happen to
have the full-path "prefix", something which has not, so far, been
prohibited in the ODF 1.2 Part 3 specification.
>  - Dennis
> Dennis E. Hamilton
> ------------------
> NuovoDoc: Design for Document System Interoperability 
> mailto:Dennis.Hamilton@acm.org | gsm:+1-206.779.9430 
> http://NuovoDoc.com http://ODMA.info/dev/ http://nfoWorks.org 
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