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Subject: RE: [oic] interop profile or interop advisories ?

I hadn't considered the question of naming until it came up on the last
call.  I think more discussion is warranted.  We probably need to determine
how many of us this is a concern for.

I repeat what I had said during the previous call.  I am not going to
filibuster this issue.  I appreciate that you want a broader consensus.
Sometimes we have to agree to disagree and play the hand we're dealt.
Thanks for asking around. 

  - Dennis
  - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   Standards are arbitrary solutions to recurring problems (R. W. Bemer)
   Although not by becoming the recurring problem (orcmid).
  When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.


  1. "Interop Advisories" is a new idea and I don't know that we have
thought it through, including whatever the workflow is, where/how they would
be published, accompanying material, etc.  

  2. Although "Interop Profile" seems benign, maybe we should hold that term
back for specific profiles that are focused on a more-closely-defined theme,
such as the work Svante proposed on images, the on-again-off-again
addressing of packages, document authenticity and confidentiality (that
could be an interesting theme), and so on.  It might be how advisories
become embraced in recommended practices when a particular interoperability
theme is addressed.  We could also reserve "Interop Practices for
Such-and-Such" but that might be better retained for what Rob is looking at
in terms of how users can achieve interoperability and, secondarily, how
implementers could encourage such practices.

 3. I note that we have wandered a long way from the notion of test guidance
for assessing conformance and interoperability.  Perhaps something that
would go with a profile is ways of demonstrating adherence or lack thereof.
(I don't know if Test Assertions work here, but it is a reasonable

 4. Finally, my main concern has been that the current Interop Profile
document specifies a blanket conformance requirement for a rather incoherent
collection of provisions, and it just seems awkward and not that helpful.
It is the conformance language that has been my main concern.  I think it is
premature to do that without use in practice and understanding of what works
and what does not, as well as being careful to have something measurable.  I
have not revised the sentiment in my previous ballot comments,

 5. An afterthought.  Sometimes, it is necessary to try something out in
order to see that it isn't accomplishing what was desired, or even to see,
as the result of experience, that a different course is needed.  I don't
know that applies here, but it might be that is what there is to learn in
this case -- sort of, "Oh, now I see what should be done" that wasn't seen
until going down this particular road.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hanssens Bart [mailto:Bart.Hanssens@fedict.be] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 01:19
To: oic@lists.oasis-open.org; dennis.hamilton@acm.org; Cherie Ekholm
Subject: RE: [oic] interop profile or interop advisories ?


any further comments on "interop advisories" vs "interop profile" ?

If the proposed "interop advisories" do not address the concerns raised by
TC Members (wrt the "interop profile"), I just drop the idea altogether and
continue to work on the "interop profile" in its current form...

Best regards


[ ... ] 

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