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Subject: Re: [oic] FYI: Update on ODF Validator

<oic@lists.oasis-open.org> wrote on 09/19/2011 06:02:08 AM:

> I did a major update on the ODF validator.
> Not only updating to latest schema, but as well doing overall 
> Might be interesting for the ODF Plugfest and general test usage.
> For further details see
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-odf-dev/
> 201109.mbox/%3C4E76FED0.5070300@gmail.com%3E

Cool.  Thanks for putting that update together, Svante.

I wonder... How extensible is the validator?  Specifically, it there any 
ability to add "custom rule sets" or something like that?

I understand it is hard-coded for some things, like validation per the 
schema, and logic to check other ODF requirements, like packaging 
conventions, etc.

But how hard would it be for someone (maybe in this TC) to add additional 
rules (custom, not default rules) to check for other things?  Maybe things 
related to interop advisories?  Maybe a rule set that checks for "portable 
authoring practices".  And outside of this TC someone could write an 
accessibility checking rule set.  Or a corporation might write a "house 
style guidelines" rule set.

We might learn something from Schematron and its approach to validation of 
custom business rules.


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