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Subject: Re: [oiic-formation-discuss] Microsoft, Intel now ODF TC members?

A bit off-topic, but you can see the ODF TC member roster here:  http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/daycount/tc/office.html

As you can see, Intel has a been a member for a long time.  Microsoft joined last Friday.

Being featured on the TC's home page is a promotional perk of being an OASIS Sponsor-level member.


marbux <marbux@gmail.com> wrote on 06/11/2008 11:36:34 PM:

> I just noticed that the ODF TC home page has been changed to indicate
> that Microsoft and Intel now number among the list of OASIS sponsor
> members who have representatives serving on the ODF TC.
> <
> Any other new TC members that aren't from sponsoring companies?

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