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op-advisory-council message

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Subject: Advisory Board Meeting Recap

Hello Advisory Team -Â

Hope you are all staying cool so far this summer, and have enjoyed at least a few days of holiday.Â

Our call today covered a few topics, which I wanted to summarize for those of you who weren't able to make it (link to agenda). Unfortunately I wasn't able to record the meeting this time due to technical difficulties, but the points below capture everything succinctly:
Unsurprisingly, this was a very interesting and insightful conversation - we're keen to refine these services and make them more clear/helpful to projects. Thank you Deb, Heather, Amanda, Georg & all for your time and input.

OASIS's Board meeting is next week in Boston - if you happen to be in the area and are free for dinner, we would love to host you on July 24th! Let me know if you think you can make it.

At Jim's suggestion, we also created aÂdocument to capture conferences and eventsÂhappening in the remainder of 2019, where some collection of us might be gathered. Take a look at the list, add your events, and hopefully we can coordinate some coffee/dinner meetups where a group of us are gathered.

On a final note, I realize we parted today without establishing the time for our next call. I'll be sending around a Doodle Poll for our next meeting and targeting a date in September.

Talk to you all soon,

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