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Subject: FW: Conformance and Derivative Specifications

This is the conformance language that was discarded in November as out of scope for the 1.0 Language Specification. It may find a new home in the Architecture document, or in OC2LS 1.1, or nowhere at all.




From: Considine, Toby
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2018 3:08 PM
To: Toby Considine <Toby.Considine@gmail.com>
Subject: Conformance


5.4 Derivative Specifications and Implementations

The Open Command and Control Language Specification is a general specification and does not take into account the specific restriction and requirements that specific profiles, bindings, and serializations may require. While this specification uses JSON as the model for describing data and message, it does not require the that conforming specifications themselves be in JSON.

5.4.1 Conformance in Serialization

Specifications that claim conformance to the Open Command and Control Language Specification Version 1.0:

SHALL define a specific mapping of each element to the matching element in the Language Specification.

SHALL define specific serialization rules for each data type described in 3.1.1. Where available, such serialization MUST be by reference to a common RFC.

SHALL define specific serialization rules for each derived data type described in 3.1.2. The derived data types are defined in specific RFCs, and when compatible with the overall serialization, these RFCs are preferred.

5.4.1 Conformance in Data Model

Specifications that claim conformance to the Open Command and Control Language Specification must follow the following data model rules:

Properties that map directly to this specification SHALL be so identified. If all properties that have the same name map directly to this specification, it MAY include a general statement to conform to this requirements.

If a named Property is an extension the the data elements named in sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2, that SHALL be so indicated in the specification and its meaning MUST be defined.

5.4.2 Conformance in Cardinality

Each of the Properties described in section 3.4.1 has a cardinality of 1-to-many.  There may be reasons for a Specification claiming conformance to limit Cardinality, for example, to limit the number of targets on a message to one.

Specifications that claim conformance to the Open Command and Control Language Specification SHALL state all Cardinality rules if any are different than in this specification, and MAY offer guidance on redistributing messages that arrive with non-conforming cardinality.

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