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Subject: Reminder: Kavi Migration & Your Upcoming Meeting

Dear Members of the OpenEoX TC:

I want to make sure that you haveÂseenÂScott's email announcingÂthe long-awaited Kavi member's portal migration occurringÂFebruary 20Âto aboutÂFebruary 26.

The system migration will occur during your next scheduled TC meeting.

Before the end of this week, please ensure you have the meeting details on your calendar and any materials you may during the meeting. All functions of the Kavi member's portal and email lists will be down for the duration of the migration. We encourage you to upload your meeting minutes and resume any other admin functions when the new system is up and running.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.



Kelly Cullinane

Senior Director for Standards Development


Reminder that Kavi goes down for replacement Tuesday, Feb. 20th

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