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Subject: Re: Regrets from Stefan Hagen

No worries. Thank you for the heads up! 

I can also record the meeting tomorrow and provide you with some notes.


Omar Santos
Security and Trust
Cisco Systems

From: Stefan Hagen <stefan@hagen.link>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2024 1:53:08 PM
To: Justin Murphy <justin.murphy@cisa.dhs.gov>; Omar Santos (osantos) <osantos@cisco.com>
Cc: openeox@lists.oasis-open.org <openeox@lists.oasis-open.org>
Subject: Regrets from Stefan Hagen
Dear chairs,

unfortunately I do have to send my regrets for the meeting tomorrow.

If someone scribbles some notes during the meeting,
I can well assemble these as usual.

Stefan Hagen, Emmetten, Nidwalden, Switzerland.
read: https://stefan-hagen.website
write: stefan@hagen.link

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