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Subject: Use case:Commentability of OpenID owners

Dear all,

In the OpenID General mailing list, some folks suggested a use case using OpenID with reputation data in a real problem that Washington Post is facing right now. It is worth to take a look:

Here is the quote:
--quote starts--
J?rn Wildt wrote:
> I just saw this article - http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-9936794-7.html?tag=nefd.only - referenced from Slashdot. In it, the executive editor of Washington Post’s online version, argues that “Washingtonpost.com wants identities of readers who post comments”. Maybe this could be a bussiness case for OpenID and a lobbyism job for the foundation?
> If Washington Post required people to use OpenID to sign their comments then we would have solved the problem partly -- at least it won’t be possible to pretend to be someone else. But it is still not possible to ban a certain person from the site -- you can ban his OpenID but nothing prohibits him from creating a new OpenID and use that instead.
Sounds like a great case for an OpenID reputation service, or for an OP that provides verified identities.

--quote ends--

Probably, an OpenID(OP) provider may accepts claims from media sites or blogs and verifies if their user has done something wrong to them(by making sure if it is not a false report). Then an OP accumulate the number of claims that a user receives and save the data as one of user attributes(this case, the attribute is generated by OP). So, media sites(relying parties) request the data from an OP to judge if a user(an OpenID owner) is able to comment based on media sites' criteria(for example, users with more than 3 claims in past 3 months are decline to comment.)


Tatsuki Sakushima
NRI Pacific - Nomura Research Institute America, Inc.

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