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Subject: Added use-cases + comment on virtual worlds cases

Title: Added use-cases + comment on virtual worlds cases

Dear All,
I have submitted 3 use-cases to the wiki. I won't make the calls for the moment since they are at midnight in my time-zone (Athens/Istanbul) and I'd wake up my family.

Just a comment I'd like to contribute on the Virtual Worlds use-cases. We are producing a paper on security in virtual worlds with 20 experts in the field. The consensus seems to be that reputation systems generally fail in virtual worlds because participants tend to try to "game" the reputation system - e.g. by colluding in clans to damage a particular avatar's reputation, complaining to ODR about another avatar to gain advantage in the game/world, etc.... This isn't to say we shouldn't apply a standard model to reputation systems which do exist in VW though - just thought this might be of interest to the group. The current trend towards open standards in these worlds is a very exciting development IMO - the first step towards the 3D web perhaps...?



Giles Hogben
Network Security Policy Expert
European Network & Information Security Agency (ENISA)

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