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oslc-automation message

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Subject: Adding oslc_auto:percentage to the vocab (your opinion please)

After talking with a member of the OSLC Configuration Management TC, we agreed that a predicate that they were intending to define in their vocabulary would be better in OSLC Automation.

They defined it as oslc_config:percentage, with a value-type of "integer", which represents the progress of a task in terms of "percentage complete".

I'd be tempted to generalise it into something like oslc_auto:progress, which is defined such that IF the value is an integer it is the "percentage complete" value, but that it can also be a resource (for future extension).

It was agreed previously that changes to the vocabulary do not require changes to the spec, so it should be an easy change to make despite the fact that work on the spec has stalled due to lack of time commitment.

So please reply with +1(yes)/0(don't care)/-1(no) (or more detailed comments) on these two points:
  1. That we add a property to represent progress to the vocabulary.
  2. That we call that property oslc_auto:progress, and allow it to be either an integer (for standardised meaning) or a resource (for implementation-specific details, or future extension).

Kind regards,

Martin Pain
Software Developer - Green Hat
Rational Test Virtualization Server, Rational Test Control Panel

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