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Subject: Re: [oslc-core] Specification development using HTML (respec) tooling

Generally, the concept (or, rather, the actual implementation) looks attractive. However, I can hear my peer Spec authors—who do not love XML and vi as much as I do—wailing and gnashing their teeth about how they would contribute content. As you surely know, many authors want to remain in Word and stream their contribution out like James Joyce into a mess of Word-formatted content. How would a team or those superhuman editors we rely on support contributions from these writers when the definitive format is ReSpec HTML5?

Is there something like a Froala / ReSpec editing environment? (http://editor.froala.com/)

On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 2:32 PM, Steve K Speicher <sspeiche@us.ibm.com> wrote:
I figured I'd share some of my progress for those that can't attend the TC meeting....

I have completed a big chunk of work to make the pages look as needed based on OASIS templates (awaiting confirmation)
I have created an OSLC-specific example here: http://sspeiche.github.io/respec/examples/oslc/template-spec.html

If you want to take the template to start or as a reference, it is there for you.

If you don't know much about ReSpec, there is a handy user's guide at: http://www.w3.org/respec/guide.html
   (on todo list to update/create an OASIS flavor of this)

The template above isn't complete, though is shows where I'd like to head for a few things, such as:
- Document structure (key sections)
- Shape - experimenting with including .ttl documents directly, translating to HTML on the fly
- Vocab - ^ ^ ^

Happy Spec'ing,
Steve Speicher
IBM Rational Software
OSLC - Lifecycle integration inspired by the web ->

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