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Subject: OSLC CORE TC Minutes January 7, 2016


  • Nick Crossley (IBM)
  • Ian Green (IBM)
  • Harish Krishnaswamy (Sofware AG)
  • Jim Amsden (IBM)
  • Martin Sarabura (PTC)
  • Jean-Luc Johnson (Airbus)


  • Martin Pain (IBM)



  • Jim to confirm that he has written up a non-normative guide regarding modifying resources via other methods even if vocabulary disallows it
  • Jim and Martin: need to update the list of primary reviewers
  • Jim and Martin S to discuss schedule offline
  • Nick to write up alternative proposal in issue 43

Chat transcript from room: oslc

[07:05] Nick Crossley (IBM): Nick to scribe

[07:06] Nick Crossley (IBM): Looking for approval of minutes for Dec 10

[07:07] Nick Crossley (IBM): Is there any need to correct minutes re common properties?

[07:08] Nick Crossley (IBM): Minutes indicate an incomplete discussion, and there is an open issue to capture that discussion, so no correction needed

[07:08] Nick Crossley (IBM): Minutes accepted

[07:08] Martin Sarabura (PTC): https://wiki.oasis-open.org/oslc-core/Meetings/Telecon2016.01.07

[07:08] Martin Sarabura (PTC): action items....?

[07:08] Nick Crossley (IBM): Martin: we have action items to review

[07:11] Nick Crossley (IBM): Jim: On marking properties as read-only, the constraint applies only to the client doing a PUT to modify a property directly, and that servers could change the value of 'read-only' properties at any time, and especially in response to a POST to an LDPC (relevant to discovery resources)

[07:11] Nick Crossley (IBM): Martin: everyone is responsible for reviewing the documents they signed up for.

[07:13] Nick Crossley (IBM): Jim: all Core documents are ready for review, with open issues as recorded in formal issues

[07:13] Nick Crossley (IBM): Jim: I encourage all TC members to review all documents

[07:14] Nick Crossley (IBM): Jim: It is important we assign at least one primary reviewer for each document, and that we do not go to public review without the review from that primary reviewer

[07:15] Nick Crossley (IBM): Nick: volunteers to be the primary reviewer for Resource Shapes

[07:15] Nick Crossley (IBM): Jim & Martin: need to update the list of primary reviewers

[07:15] Martin Sarabura (PTC): https://wiki.oasis-open.org/oslc-core/FrontPage

[07:17] Nick Crossley (IBM): Nick to be primary reviewer for Attachments

[07:17] Nick Crossley (IBM): Jean-Luc to be primary reviewer for link guidance

[07:19] Nick Crossley (IBM): Ian: is there a fixed form for the review?

[07:19] Nick Crossley (IBM): Jim: not really - email or wiki or ...

[07:20] Nick Crossley (IBM): Martin: In terms of roadmap, when do we need to complete these reviews?

[07:21] Nick Crossley (IBM): Jim: we should be driven by the domains, since Core on its own is not very useful.

[07:22] Nick Crossley (IBM): Jim: Change Management is ready for review

[07:22] Nick Crossley (IBM): Nick: Config Mgmt is at risk of being a bit late

[07:23] Nick Crossley (IBM): Jim: So alignment with domains may be difficult - so we may need to set an independent schedule

[07:24] Nick Crossley (IBM): ACTION ITEM: Jim and Martin S to discuss schedule offline

[07:26] Nick Crossley (IBM): Jim: OSLC 3 reference implementation uses Node, and is easily (and dynamically) extended

[07:27] Nick Crossley (IBM): Jim: it will include server and CM client to show end-to-end operation

[07:29] Nick Crossley (IBM): Jean-Luc: why doesn't Jim's reference impl use Eclipse Lyo?

[07:30] Nick Crossley (IBM): Jim: Eclipse Lyo is a Java stack, and I wanted to open Core 3.0 up to other possible stacks. Using Node and _javascript_ seems more in line with current trends

[07:30] Nick Crossley (IBM): Jim: this does not prevent someone extending the open-source Lyo

[07:31] Nick Crossley (IBM): Ian: I thought the intention of Lyo was to be language agnostic?

[07:32] Nick Crossley (IBM): Jim: Yes, but there is a governance process. I am trying to eliminate as many barriers to contribution as possible

[07:34] Nick Crossley (IBM): Reviewing issue 46

[07:35] Nick Crossley (IBM): Jim: Not sure the spec needs any change - leave it to servers to determine whether or not they provide query over discovery resources (ServiceProviders and Services)

[07:36] Martin Sarabura (PTC): https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OSLCCORE-46

[07:37] Martin Sarabura (PTC): moving on to https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OSLCCORE-43

[07:51] Nick Crossley (IBM): Lots of discussion between Nick, Jim, and Ian on the use of ResourceShape to describe common properties. Nick to write up alternative proposal in issue 43.

[07:55] Martin Sarabura (PTC): next: https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OSLCCORE-56

[07:58] ian green (ibm): http://open-services.net/wiki/core/Vocabulary-Annotation-Vocabulary/

[08:01] Nick Crossley (IBM): Nick: noted there are two different Vocabulary Annotation Vocabularies - the OSLC one defines inverseLabel and one other

[08:01] Nick Crossley (IBM): Martin, Jim, Nick: Have to close meeting - ran out of time


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