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Subject: Re: [oslc-core] Review of OSLC Delegated Dialogs 3.0

Again, thanks for a great review. Comments below imbedded in <jra> tags.

Things that need additional discussion:

1. Is there any additional guidance we want to include on the use of Dialog property oslc:Label?

2. Are there further edits that need to be done on the Clickjacking section?

3. Should prefill be supported on selection dialogs, and if so, how should servers treat the prefill entity request body? See issue OSLCCORE-59 - Should Delegated Dialogs specify prefill for selectionDialogs?

4. Should we remove 6.4.6 concerning clients not caching prefilled dialogs?

5. Should POST to a delegated dialog descriptor support using query parameters for prefill? If so, do we need to specify the format of the parameters? If we don't how will interoperability be achieved?

Jim Amsden, Senior Technical Staff Member
OSLC and Linked Lifecycle Data

From:        Ian Green1 <ian.green@uk.ibm.com>
To:        OASIS (oslc-core@lists.oasis-open.org) <oslc-core@lists.oasis-open.org>
Date:        01/25/2016 12:17 PM
Subject:        [oslc-core] Review of OSLC Delegated Dialogs 3.0
Sent by:        <oslc-core@lists.oasis-open.org>

Here's a review of


as at svn revision 323.

General comments

Reference links are not working - it seems that fragment identifiers are not right: eg
https://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/svn/oslc-core/trunk/specs/dialogs.html#bib-RFC2119.  (I know this is a known problem.)
<jra>We were were having problems with the source site being very slow so Nick changed the .jit.su host with a W3C one in ReSpec handling of bibliographic references. But now all specs get this error and the biblio reference section isn't being generated:

Error loading references from 'https://specref.jit.su/bibrefs?refs=RFC2119,OSLCCore2,OSLCCore3,LDP,TRS,ILDP,ITIL,ITSM': error ()

Nick is aware of the issue and will address this next week.</jra>

Section 4
- It is not clear whether the spec admits that other Link Relations are permitted for uses other than selection and creation.  (The wording "Each dialog type, creation or selection, has its own link relation" suggests that only the two listed link relations is acceptable.)

<jra>The Service resource, and OSLC3 link headers only distinguish creation and selection dialogs. Servers could provide other link headers for their purposes, but these are the only ones defined by OSLC.</jra>

The examples of the three mechanism do not show what happens when there is more than one dialog resource of a given behaviour (create/select).  In the service document, these would be distinguished by different oslc:usage (or could be indistinguishable).   Is this an intended  limitation of the Link and Prefer header mechanisms?  If the Prefer header mechanism is permitted to indicate oslc:usage in those representations, it would be helpful in the examples for this to be shown.

<jra>I don't know the history of this, but the notion of oslc:usage was removed from OSLC3, even though it is retained in the discovery resources for backward compatibility. However, I just noticed its not in the delegated dialog resources. need to add it back.

I think in OSLC3, it is expected that each creation, selection, creation factory and query capability would be provided by a different LDPC if they needed to be distinguished. A single LDPC can support many different resource types, but wouldn't provide a distinguishing container. Nested LDPCs would be needed if the resources needed to be grouped further within a service. All the more reason for a Service to be an LDPC.

Section 5

Typo: "The user has created or selected a resource or canceled the dialog" - should be plural since more than one can be created/selected.
I struggled with the wording of "JSON follows the prefix in the message string " - i think this means "a stringified json object will be concatenated to the message prefix."

<jra>Fixed (both)</jra>

Even though it is non-normative, I would prefer that we don't suggest that the "olsc:label" in an oslc-response be a substitute for information which ought to be obtained from the resource.  Putting information from the selected/created resource into the oslc:label encourages that information to be stored in another resource (and/or repository); potentially this information is in a different security context from the original.  A common use case for oslc:label from a dialog is when a link is being created, and there is a temptation to use that label as the link label (but that same label can be used in other ways, too).  Apps should be wary of enabling this kind of denormalization.  IBM has some guidance on the link label issue at
https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Reference/LinkLabels.  There are already known security issues in existing OSLC deployments because of this denormalization.
<jra>I think the purpose of oslc:label in the JSON result is intended as a convenience for the app using a selection dialog to have some human readable label available with the selection URIs so that the URIs can be displayed without having to use resource preview. It recognizes that processing selections may be a short-terms transition operation where display of URIs with resource preview may not be appropriate or desirable. This seems reasonable enough.

Regarding your specific issues:
1. oslc:label as substitute redundant information - servers could easily use the same information as provided in the resource preview, the JSON results should just be a copy of the same labe.

2. Information from a different security context - likely the resource URI and its label are in the same security context, but exposing the label without addressing a possible security challenge on the URI does seem like a potential security issue. Servers could address that by not allowing selections of resource the client does not have access to, or by eliminating the labels in those cases.

3. Denormalization - yes, clients could use the JSON result oslc:label for displaying links instead of resource preview, and that could be desirable depending on why and for how long the link is displayed.

In any case, we can't remove oslc:label because it was in OSLC2. Are you suggesting "The result may also have an oslc:labelthat can be useful for client display without having to use resource preview to access the Compact resource. " should be removed, or that there should be some cautions added to its use?</jra>

Section 5.4

This section could do with some editing.  It talks about ServiceProvider, but is really referring to any dialog.  It also mentions compact resource, which seems out of place in this spec.
<jra>I updated the introductory paragraph, it was not not clear what was the OSLC dialog vs. clickjack layer in the iFrame and what the user was seeing vs actually clicking.</jra>

Typo: "delegates dialog"

I don't much of this analysis/recommentation -- I cannot usefully review this material..  Does item 1 refer to the dialog resource, or the URI of the dialog resource?  To my reading, items 2 and 3 seem to have nothing to do with clickjacking.  Is there a clickjacking vulnerability in any implementation which does not do this?

<jra>Item 1 refers to a request of the ServiceProvider (and it contained Service resources) to retrieve the delegated dialog URI. This is indicating the access to the URIs through the service provider should be protected, not just access to the dialogs themselves. I clarified this. Items 1 and 2 ensure that 1) malware can't guess at the delegated dialog URI from the users id and 2) that the URI used by a user to access the dialog is the one created for that user and not accessed through some other non-authenticated user.</jra>

If 2&3 were implemented, and 4 occurred, why would SAMEORIGIN be a recommended X-Frame-Options - this system is being attacked - why play along?  5 seems to be covering a different kind of resource - not a dialog - why is that recommendation in this document?

<jra>SAMEORIGIN gives the server a bit more flexibility in that it can trust there is no clickjacking from itself.

Re: item 5, agreed, I removed this.

I also added a reference to https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Clickjacking_Defense_Cheat_Sheet</jra>

Section 6

What does "effective" mean in "The context URI is the effective request URI"?

<jra>I added this link: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#page-45</jra>

Section 6.1.4 doesn't seem to be about discovery - in the wrong section?  Also, in this section, the term "target resource" is incorrect, it should be "resource".
<jra>Isn't this about how discovered dialog descriptors would be contained in the entity response body?</jra>

Section 6.1.5 Is this not better in Appendix A - Resource constraints?
<jra>It is there as well. Not sure why this was called out, but it doesn't do any harm.</jra>

Section 6.1.6 seems out of place in this document.  Is this not just good http practice?  
<jra>Perhaps, but it seems useful to call this out in the context of delegated dialogs and doesn't do any harm</jra>

Section 6.1.7 Is it clear what ServiceProvider and Service resources are in this document?  I don't see any references or definitions.

<jra>I made them links</jra>

Section 6.3.2 I don't see how a client wanting to use windowname protocol would discover that a server supported it.  Since a server is not REQUIRED to support windowname, clients are compelled to support postMessage, or face failure.  I wonder then the utility of optional support of windowname.

<jra>Support for windowname protocol was intentionally removed from OSLC3, but we added back 6.3.2 for backward compatibility with OSLC2.0.

The protocol is not discoverable (never was), rather clients specify what they wish (how they are implemented) usin the oslc-core-postMessage-1.0 or oslc-core-windowName-1.0 fragment identifiers on the delegated dialog URI. If the server doesn't support the window name protocol, then that client request would fail. I added text to indicate this is for backward compatibility with OSLC clients that used the window name protocol.</jra>

Since the OSLC 2.0 use of a fragment identifier is not mentioned in this document, is some comment on backward compatibility needed or are we okay leaving unsaid that a dialogue MUST be robust to unknown fragment identifiers in window.location?  There is a tension here with 6.3.4, which does not specify what happens when a client DOES use #oslc-core-post-message-1.0?

<jra>I added text to indicate this is for backward compatibility with OSLC clients that used the window name protocol. And I extended 6.3.5 to include the oslc-core-postMessage-1.0 fragment identifier.</jra>

Section 6.3.5
Example 22 seems superfluous and it is also a duplicate of Example 11.  Shouldn't all of the examples be in the non-normative sections of the document?

<jra>Section Conformance indicates that all examples are non-normative and is OASIS boilerplate. This allows examples to be easily embedded in normative sections</jra>

Section 6.4.3 should indicate a resource of RDF type oslc:ResourceShape rather than just "resource shape".  Are there constraints on the values of the oslc:resourceShape (if any) and the value of the oslc:resourceType (if any)?  Since this spec allows prefilling of a selection dialog, servers could offer constraints to be POSTed that constrain the selection of resources.  Such constraints would have a different shape from the shape of those of the resources being selected.  Is this intentional?

<jra>I changed resource shape to be a link to the new resource-shape.html#resourceShape-shape.

The Dialog shape defines the constraints on oslc:resourceType - it should be one of the rdf:types of the resource, but doesn't define any constraints on oslc:resourceShape. I suppose a server could provide shapes that are incompatible with any of the rdf:types of the resource and would  therefore fail all creation requests. But I don't think avoiding that is something that necessarily needs to be stated.

I see from the change history that Steve generalized dialog prefill to include selection dialogs. But everything in the document describes prefill only in the context of resource creation. Looks like prefill for selection dialogs never got finished. In thinking this through, it seems the big question is what a server would be expected to do with the entity request body POSTed to the dialog descriptor URI for a selectionDialog. That actual content of that entity request body could in general be unpredictable, even if resourceShapes are specified for the selection dialog. The best we could say is that servers would use the information in the entity request body to inform the creation of the selection dialog, perhaps including resource URIs in that dialog that somehow match the POSTed prefill content.

This seems useful, but a bit wide open. It could represent a simple query by example mechanism, or something as complex as sift or mongoDB query language. Without specifying what the POSTed request body means, is prefill on selection dialogs meaningful in the standard? I'll raise an issue.</jra>

Section 6.4.6 I think "Clients SHOULD NOT cache dialog URIs from prefill requests since they are often temporary. " is beyond the scope of this document. A server can use whatever cache-control headers it sees fit, and a well-behaved client will do the right thing
<jra>I see this logic, but also the logic of clause 6.4.6. This clause is stating something about client, not server caching. Sure, a server could cache or store prefill dialogs forever, and use some mechanism to reuse them based on subsequent client prefill requests. This would be useful for resource creation templates for example. But a client might not want to depend on that, and not cache the dialog too.

On the other hand, if the client did cache the dialog and it was removed from the server, then the client would get a 404 and have to repost the prefill content anyway.

So I don't really see any harm in keeping or removing the clause, although it seems like reasonable advice to clients. Anyone else have any thoughts?</jra>

Section 6.4.7 I'm not sure what this means.  Is this stating that a prefilled dialogue URI should be treated as opaque by clients?  If it is about ways to support prefill other than by POSTing a resource representation to the dialog descriptor, how would a client know what those parameters were or how to discover that the server supported this mechanism?

<jra>This means the client can either POST and entity request body with the prefill contents, or use URI query parameters in the POST to the dialog descriptor URI, not the prefilled dialog URI. Servers would have to provide some other means of describing the query parameters and allowed values for these URIs, possibly using published REST services through Swagger.io. This seems useful, but somewhat under-specified. </jra>

Apppendix A
does not indicate the use of oslc:usage - it should be zero-or-many. I expect this has been omitted deliberately, but I'll raise it anyway just to be sure because I can't think why.  oslc:resourceShape was oslc:Range oslc:ResourceShape in 2.0 - was there a deliberate decision for this to be oslc:Any in 3.0?

<jra>I added it back for OSLC2 compatibility</jra>

best wishes,

ian.green@uk.ibm.com (Ian Green1/UK/IBM@IBMGB)
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