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oslc-domains-comment message

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Subject: OSLC + OData

Multiple OASIS RESTful protocol standards is not a good thing.

  • Do OData and OSLC payloads conform to the same metamodel?
  • Is the use of HTTP verbs consistent across both OData and OSLC?
  • Is the use of HTTP headers consistent across both OData and OSLC?
  • Are the set of query parameters consistent across both OData and OSLC?
  • Does discovery from a known service access point follow the same rules?



George Ericson

Dell | Senior Distinguished Engineer

Information Solutions Group

Office of the CTO

Emerging Technologies and Ecosystems

O: +1 508.249.7429 | M: +1 508.498.8461

S: +1 774.350.5847 | e: 7.50.5807

Email: George.Ericson@Dell.com

Twitter: @GEricson


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