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oslc-promcode message

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Subject: Difference between Vocabulary and ResourceShape description

Hi members especially Arthur,

I found that unifying descriptions in vocabulary and resource shape has some problems.

As we discussed we have promcode:collects for 3 different use case:
- ManagedItemCollection → ManagedItem
- IssueCollection → Issue
- (new) RiskCollection → Risk
Hereby we cannot state its range as “any combination of ManagedItem”.

What about:
- For resource shape description, we only state relationship between resources
- For vocabulary description, we state these

Another problem is technical, I’ve found using ReSpec we cannot refer description from resource shape to vocabulary.
However, we don't have XSLT script for resource shape but only for vocabulary.
My suggestion also will solve this.
Otherwise, we can manage the common descriptions in parallel but it seems not a good idea.

Any ideas?


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