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Subject: Proposal for Evolving Resource Shape Specification

Last year we submitted the OSLC Resource Shape 2.0 spec to W3C [1]. A 
working group was formed, and I am the IBM rep on it. The working group 
has adopted a lot of the ideas from our submission. However, the charter 
for the working group is to produce a spec in two years. There are several 
features that OSLC members have asked for, so in order to make progress 
during the time until a W3C spec is available, Steve and I think it's 
worth turning the submission into a 2.1 spec.

I will be posting the draft of the 2.1 spec on the OSLC wiki. There are a 
few proposed new RDF vocabulary terms. These should be included in the 
OSLC Core vocabulary and will be marked with term status of either 
"unstable" or "testing" depending on the level of use. For example, the 
OASIS OSLC PROMCODE TC is using the proposed extension mechanism (which 
avoids the need to copy definition from base shapes). [2]

[1] http://www.w3.org/Submission/2014/SUBM-shapes-20140211/
Arthur Ryman, PhD
Distinguished Engineer | Master Inventor | Academy of Technology
Chief Data Officer, Application Platform
IBM Systems | Middleware
905.413.3077 (phone) | 416.939.5063 (cell)
IBM InterConnect 2015

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