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Subject: ECDH key derivation function



we encountered the following issue w.r.t key derivation functions for ECDH:

·         NIST SP800-56A section specifies the following for derivation of a key: Compute K(i) = H(counter || Z || OtherInfo)

·         ANSI X9.63 in contrast specifies Ki = Hash(Z || Counter || [SharedInfo])

ANSI and NIST thus specify different orders for concatenation of ‘Z’ and ‘counter’. Has this been discussed in the TC before?


The PKCS#11 standard explicitly references ANSI X.63 when using CKD_SHA1_KDF for derivation of keying data; there is no such explicit reference for CKD_SHA[224|256|384|512]_KDF. Yet I would assume they are also meant to be implemented according to ANSI X9.63. Is this assumption correct?


One of our customers wants to implement key derivation according to NIST SP800-56A using PKCS#11 mechanism CKM_ECDH1_DERIVE. Strictly following the PKCS#11 standard this would not be possible resp. require implementation of a Vendor Defined Mechanism?


Any thoughts or suggestion from your side?






Viele Grüße / With kind Regards

Dieter Bong

Product Manager HSM


Utimaco IS GmbH

Germanusstr. 4

DE-52080 Aachen


Fon: +49 241 1696 - 233

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Utimaco IS GmbH

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