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pkcs11 message

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Subject: intro and proposals

Dear PKCS#11 TC,

I'm Stefan Marsiske (quite googleable for personal details, which I
omit for that reason) - new to the TC, I joined a bit before the
summer, but was lurking so far. I became a member to add a few
mechanisms. I have been triggered by Tim&Tony 2 weeks ago, that the
window for 3.0 is closing and if I want to I should overcome my

The mechanisms I would like to propose for inclusion in PKCS#11
(preferably v3.0) are: Salsa20, XSalsa20, Chacha20[*], XChacha20,
Blake2b, XEDDSA, Extended Triple DH, Double Ratchet.

[*] the accepted Chacha20 is in fact the IETF variant, which uses a
different nonce and is only capable of handling 256GB maximum with the
same key/nonce pair.

I will send four separate mails with each proposal and some more details, so we
can compartmentalize the discussions for each proposal.

ho ho ho,
merry xmas,

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