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Subject: Support from IPA/ISEC Japan

Here is a wonderful letter of support from
Yasuo Miyakawa of IPA/ISEC Japan. I sent back
a thank you note and told him we'd be glad
for him to distribute his Japanese translation
of our PKI Action Plan. I'll keep him informed
as we make changes so he can update his translation.

Note also the work that IPA is doing that
pertains to Action Items in our Action Plan.
I was aware of the IPA's work and it does
not completely "cover" our Action Items,
but we should be aware of it and probably
mention it in future versions of our Action Plan.



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: IPA Japan: OASIS PKI Action Plan
Date: Fri, 05 Dec 2003 17:58:19 +0900
From: Yasuo Miyakawa <miyakawa@ipa.go.jp>
To: Steve.Hanna@Sun.COM

Dear Steve;

How things are going on with you?  I met you at the IETF Yokohama
meeting in last year.

I heard from Ryu Inada about your "PKI Action Plan", and prepared the
translated version in Japanese language.

May I issue it on our Web server to get attention from Japanese PKI
people?  Of course, I kept the full text of the OASIS Copyright
notice, and tried to translate it as it is.  I will attach the
document, though it may be hard for you to read it.

We are actually doing some of the action items, which you have described:

Develop Application Guidelines for PKI Use (Partly)
- Ryu Inada worked as the project leader of our contractor (JNSA) in
developing "Security API Survey" document. Some issues regarding to
implementing PKI APIs are included.

Increase Testing to Improve Interoperability
- Yes, We did it with JNSA.

Gather and Supplement Educational Materials on PKI
- Yes, We are already providing some educational contents on our Web
server, though it is written in Japanese.

Please consider us as the counterpart of NIST in the US.

Best regards,
-- Yasuo Miyakawa

Planning & Research Group

Email: miyakawa@ipa.go.jp
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