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Subject: Report from Ask Vendors SC

At the last PKI TC meeting, it was requested
that the chair of each subcommittee submit a
status report on the Monday before the PKI TC
meeting. Here's the status report for the
Ask Vendors Subcommittee.

The Ask Vendors Subcommittee has made almost
no progress in the last month. The chair (me)
has been busy changing jobs. Also, we concluded
that it would not be productive to conduct
our survey during the summer due to vacations.

Our status is as follows. We have a list of vendors
of certain key applications (email and document
creation and signing) with contact addresses.
We also have a draft survey asking those vendors
how much PKI support they have now and what
would encourage them to include more. We plan
to send out the survey by email and receive
responses in the same way. I expect that this
will get under way in early September.



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