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Subject: RE: [plcs-dex] USe of /IGNORE

Title: Message
When I present to the US DOD, INCOSE, NDIA, DOD primes and SE vendors I tell them that they should implement AP233 so they can interoperate with downstream STEP applications like PLCS. I just told the DOD that interoperability built into the modular STEP APs is one reason they don't need GEIA 927. The simplified ARM-based implementation and the use of Taxonomies (i.e. RDL) are something the Architecture Framework/SystemsEngineering/DOD community likes. So, please remember that PLCS does not exist in a vacuum - interoperability with AP233 is very important. Please don't do things that hurt that interoperability.
My objection is that it's already hard enough to talk SysML and MODAF vendors into doing an ISO AP233 exporter. Trying to tell them "Oh by the way there's this OASIS PLCS TC that wants you to put '/IGNORE', '/NULL' and '' in your exported files just simply isn't going to fly. They think that by supporting a modular, ISO standard they'll get interoperability.
FWIW, when competing with the likes of OMG XMI exchange we need to simplify STEP, not make it more complex. The OMG is right in the middle of discussions about how to reuse bits of UML Profiles between SysML, BPMN and the DODAF/MODAF work. If they get it right and we don't, that's another nail in the AP233 (and STEP) coffin.
P.S. I imagine you all think I'm being a pain but after leading the STEP Modular Architecture team to enable AP interoperability I consider it my role to try and keep individual AP teams from hurting interoperability. I also imagine that you'll ignore advice from outside the core team because that's just what AP teams do. Unfortunately, that's also why there's so little interoperability between STEP APs (sorry for the frustration poking through).
P.S.S. This is my last diatribe on this subject (I hope I haven't said that already).
-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Turner [mailto:tjt@lsc.co.uk]
Sent: 20 July 2005 15:29
To: 'Rob Bodington'; 'plcs-dex@lists.oasis-open.org'
Subject: RE: [plcs-dex] USe of /IGNORE

I think this is the same interpretation as the PDM schema - with which we should be consistent unless there are good objections.
We then need to reflect in the templates also - where I'm sure there are some typos...
-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Bodington [mailto:rob.bodington@eurostep.com]
Sent: 20 July 2005 08:07
To: plcs-dex@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [plcs-dex] USe of /IGNORE


There has been some confusion about the use of /IGNORE (certainly in my mind).


My understanding is:

In general, attribute values are set to '/IGNORE' when the information that could be held be the attribute is instead assigned to the instance of the entity.


So any OPTIONAL attributes that do not have a value assigned (by identification_assignmnet or classification_assignment for example) should be set to $.


Does everyone agree?


BTW – this is documented in the help files





indicates user data managed by the sending system but not provided for data exchange.


indicates user data in a mandatory attribute that is not managed by the sending system or currently not known.


$ is used in the physical file, if an optional attribute is not instantiated.


Attribute values are set to '/IGNORE' when the information that could be held be the attribute is instead assigned to the instance of the entity.

Table — Attribute values



Rob Bodington
Eurostep Limited
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