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Subject: FW: USPI-NL: Agenda T25 sessions TC184/SC4 Lillehammer, Norway

Title: FW: USPI-NL: Agenda T25 sessions TC184/SC4 Lillehammer, Norway

For those who are intending to attend the SC4 meeting in Lillehammer, please note the planned joint session on reference data development between WG03/T08 (Product life cycle) and WG03/T25 (Oil, gas, process & power) as attached.  Please will you inform myself and Paul van Exel (WG03/T25 team leader) if you intend to attend.  I will not be in Lillehammer as my wife is expecting our third child on 5 March!

As ever,

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul van Exel [mailto:stichting.uspinl@fhi.nl]
Sent: 17 January 2005 11:13
To: Tim King (E-mail); Peter Paul Pruijn (E-mail); Per Christian Malmin
(E-mail); Steve Pearson (E-mail); Hans Hilke (E-mail); Peter Benson
(E-mail); Jim U'Ren (E-mail); Andries van Renssen (E-mail); Andy Bush
(E-mail); Burton Gischner (E-mail); Dalip Sud (E-mail); David Leal
(E-mail); Eiichi Ueno (E-mail); Fukuzui Mori (E-mail); Günther Staub
(E-mail); Hans Teijgeler (E-mail); Ho-Jin Hwang (E-mail); Jochen
Haenisch (E-mail); Knut Lindelien (E-mail); Magne Valen-Sendstad
(E-mail); Matthew West (E-mail); Nils Sandsmark (E-mail); Onno Paap
(E-mail); Paul van Exel; Ray Goult (E-mail); Ron Wood (E-mail); Soonhung
Han (E-mail)
Cc: Ray Goult (E-mail)
Subject: USPI-NL: Agenda T25 sessions TC184/SC4 Lillehammer, Norway


Please find attached the agenda for the T25 sessions in Lillehammer, Norway.

The Tuesday program contains the usual sessions with T1, T8 and T23. The session with T1 has been tuned with Ray Gould.

Tim, would you be so kind to forward the agenda to T8 members and discuss internally who can be present?

Burton, can you forward within T23 and discuss who can be present?.


PWHM van Exel
Director Stichting USPI-NL
Tel: +31 (0)33 2570887
Fax + 31 (0)33 461 6638
E-mail stichting.uspinl@fhi.nl
Web www.uspi.nl 


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