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Subject: RE: [pmrm] Publically-Accessible Smart Grid Use Cases

Michele - wow!

That certainly is a LARGE set of Use Cases, sub-dividing 
the Smart Grid domain into focused use cases.

Even better, the Use Cases are expressed in a formal "structure"
that explicitly provides the interactive 'requirements' needed
for input to the PMRM part (operational) of our Methodology.   

Gail: You referred to the "landlord/tenant" Use Case?
I browsed the several use case categories, but did not see
one that sounded like that. Would it be a composite?
Or a transform of the given use cases? 

The formal structure seems to provide a similar setup of the Smart Grid
use cases as does Scenario Diagrams that Dawn referenced for Emergency

Net: We seem to have the necessary prerequisites for proceeding
with either/both Smart Grid and/or Emergency Responder.



-----Original Message-----
From: micheledrgon@dataprobity.com [mailto:micheledrgon@dataprobity.com] 
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 7:28 PM
To: pmrm@lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: micheledrgon@dataprobity.com
Subject: [pmrm] Publically-Accessible Smart Grid Use Cases


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