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Subject: Re: [pmrm] PMRM Face to Face Meeting Monday October 21, Halifax NS


I hope some of my rough comments to the use case document will be helpful. I have set aside time during the last of Oct and November to work on the use case. I look forward to your assignments.

I love the pictures that Gershon sent and the ideas you all discussed to demonstrate the full aspects of the model and methodology and market them to the various stakeholders.

In my personal exercise to prepare for the meeting I reviewed a number of works I have been associated with over many years to arrive at privacy controls, services, architecture, policy and so on.

I was struck by, not only the depth, comprehensiveness and full understanding of data protection, but the increasing speed at which those iterative efforts took. What started out as a multi-year effort in the 80's and 90's became a two or three month iteration by the early 2000's... Of an entire organization...

Were the results perfect...no. Did they possess methodological integrity...the y attempted to, but naturally fell short of perfection.

Did the advance the data protection 'ball'? Yes the did and they did so quickly.

I believe the most important activity for the PMRM TC is to demonstrate the PMRM viability in being a cost effective and superior model and methodology, in addition to what I believe is its comprehensiveness. 

If we can complete the use case...post haste...end to end AND demonstrate it's viability to multiple audiences as we discussed in the face to face we will have made significant progress in short order.

I sincerely apologize if I my opinion is at odds with others. 

I have hung on these years because I believe in what we are doing, from the very early days meeting with Peter Swire at OMB.

I am ready to give the expedited fast forward end-to-end use case a go. I want to prove that it can be done,

I look forward to my assignment. 

Best, Gail
Sent from my iPhone by Gail Magnuson 1.704.232. 5648

On Oct 19, 2013, at 5:41 PM, "John.Annapolis Verizon" <john.annapolis@verizon.net> wrote:


For those attending the PMRM TC meeting in person on Monday October 21 in Halifax, we are meeting in the Secunda Marine Boardroom on the 4th floor of the Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary's University campus in Halifax. The meeting will start at 9AM and end approximately 5PM Halifax time (ET+1).

For those dialing in, Gershon Janssen has offered to provide a conference bridge number, and will send the bridge information to the list tomorrow.

We plan to open the bridge three times during the day to provide updates for members who wish to call in.  Here is the planned schedule:

in-person meeting opens 9:00AM 
Bridge opens 9:30AM to 10:00AM (08:30 to 9:00AM ET)
Bridge re-opens 12:30PM to 1:00PM (11:30AM to 12:00PM ET)
Bridge re-opens 4:30PM to 5:00PM (3:30PM to 4:00PM ET)
Meeting concludes 5:00PM (4:00PM ET)

The agenda will include:

- expanding the Insurance Use Case developed earlier this year for our PMRM/PbD-SE workshop at the European Identity Conference in Munich 
- refining the PMRM methodology template based on the use case analysis
- developing proposed options for advancing adoption of the PMRM and assessing the need for additional TC work. 

Output of the meeting will be shared with the full TC for discussion at the November and December TC meetings.

Please email me directly if you have any questions.


John Sabo

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