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Subject: RE: [provision] A Proposal for using DSML for Provisioning

So are you saying that the principal used for authentication of the DSML
request would be used to identify the end-user being provisioned when
communicating between the RA and PSP. In example 5 then, provisioning
the email account jsmith@acme.com would be linked back to the identity
cn=John Smith,o=acme.com for authorization of the provisioning request.
Or to put it another way, the PSP would authorize that cn=John
Smith,o=acme.com could have the email account before provisioning it.


-----Original Message-----
From: jbohren@opennetwork.com [mailto:jbohren@opennetwork.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 9:44 AM
To: provision@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [provision] A Proposal for using DSML for Provisioning

Since I keep bringing this up, it is only fair that I put forth some
concrete details. Attached is a rough draft I did this morning for a
proposal for using DSML for provisioning. Bear in mind that this is a
very rough draft, but I think this gives us a good starting point for a
discussion on the issue.

Jeff Bohren
Product Architect
OpenNetwork Techologies
(727) 561-9500x219

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